

作者: 楚木巽 | 来源:发表于2020-11-12 20:51 被阅读0次

一 实验目的

  • 了解SQL语言的特点和基本概念。
  • 能够在Access里面熟练地进行单表查询、连接查询、嵌套查询、集合查询等各种SQL查询语句对数据库中的表进行操作。
  • 对相同的查询要求,能够使用多种不同的查询方法,并对比其优劣。

二 实验过程


  • 首先点击左上角的创建
  • 然后点击上方栏目中的查询设计
  • 右击查询选择SQL视图

  • 然后就可以在这个地方写SQL语句了

  • 编写好SQL语句后再次右击查询,点击保存,并给查询命名

  • 点击确定即可出结果



1. Print the name of professors who work in departments that have fewer than 50 phD students.

  • 分析需要用得到表格:
    1. Prof's schema(pname:教师名,danme:所在系名)
    2. Dept's scehma(dname:系名,numphds:该系博士生人数)
  • 过程分析:首先可以从Prof表得到教授们的名字,再通过教授们名字后面的所在系名去Dept表找到对应该系的博士生人数,选出其中博士生人数少于五十人的教授即可。
  • SQL语句:SELECT P.pname FROM Prof P WHERE P.dname IN (SELECT D.dname FROM Dept D WHERE D.numphds<50);

2. Print the name(s) of student(s) with the lowest gpa.

  • 分析需要用得到表格:
    1. Student's schema(sid:学号,sname:姓名,sex:性别,age:年龄,year:年级,gpa:平均成绩点)
  • 过程分析:先使用嵌套和聚合函数得到gpa的最低值,再将学生的gpa与这个最低值进行匹配,得到相应学生的名字即可。
  • SQL语句:SELECT S.sname FROM Student S WHERE S.gpa IN (SELECT min(S1.gpa) FROM Student S1);

3. For each Computer Sciences class, print the cno, sectno and the average gpa of the student enrolled in the class.

  • 分析需要用到的表格:

    1. Section's schema(dname开课系名,cno课程号,sectno分班号,pname任课教师名)
    2. Enroll's schema(sid:学号,grade:成绩,dname:开课系名,cno:课程号,sectno:分班号)
    3. Student's schema(sid:学号,sname:姓名,sex:性别,age:年龄,year:年级,gpa:平均成绩点)
  • 过程分析:连接Enroll,Section,Student表,通过Section表得到Computer Sciences class相应的sectno,cno,再通过这两查找Enroll表得到对应学生的sid,再通过sid在Student表中找到对应学生的gpa求平均值。

  • sql语句:SELECT Sec.cno,Sec.sectno,ROUND(AVG(S.gpa),2) AS sgpa FROM Section Sec,Student S,Enroll E WHERE Sec.dname='Computer Sciences' AND E.cno=Sec.cno AND E.Sectno=Sec.Sectno AND E.sid=S.sid GROUP BY Sec.sectno,Sec.cno;


4. Print the course names, course numbers and section numbers of all classes with less than six students enrolled in them.

  • 分析需要用到的表格:
    1. Course's schema(cno:课程号,cname:课程名,dname:开课系名)
    2. Section's schema(dname:开课系名,cno:课程号,sectno:分班号,pname:任课教师名)
    3. Enroll's schema(sid:学号,grade:成绩,dname:开课系名,cno:课程号,sectno:分班号)
  • 过程分析:连接Course,Student,Section表,通过Course表得到cname,cno,再通过Section表得到对应的sectno,用sectno在Eroll表中找到加入班级的学生并进行计数,找出总数小于6个学生的班级即可。
  • sql语句:SELECT C.cname,C.cno,Sec.sectno FROM Course C,Enroll E,Section Sec WHERE C.dname=Sec.dname AND C.cno=Sec.cno AND Sec.sectno=E.sectno GROUP BY C.cname,C.cno,Sec.sectno HAVING COUNT()<6;*

5. Print the name(s) and sid(s) of the student(s) enrolled in the most classes.

  • 分析需要用到的表格:
    1. Student's schema(sid:学号,sname:姓名,sex:性别,age:年龄,year:年级,gpa:平均成绩点)
    2. Enroll's schema(sid:学号,grade:成绩,dname:开课系名,cno:课程号,sectno:分班号)
  • 过程分析:连接Student表和Enroll表,通过Enroll表得到选择课程最多的学生的sid,再通过sid在Student表中找到其name和sid,将学生选择的课程数降序排列,取第一位则是选择课程数最多的学生。
  • sql语句:SELECT TOP 1 S.sname,S.sid FROM Student S,Enroll E WHERE E.sid=S.sid GROUP BY S.sid,S.sname ORDER BY COUNT() desc;*

6. Print the names of departments that have one or more majors who are under 18 years old.

  • 分析需要用到的表格:
    1. Student's schema(sid:学号,sname:姓名,sex:性别,age:年龄,year:年级,gpa:平均成绩点)
    2. major's schema(dname:所属系名,sid:学号)
  • 过程分析:在student表中找到年龄小于18的学生所在的院系,通过sid在major表中找到对应的department name,可以通过dname来进行分组查询,只需要相应的组中的最小年龄小于18即为满足要求。
  • sql语句:SELECT M.dname FROM Major M,Student S WHERE M.sid=S.sid GROUP BY M.dname HAVING MIN(S.year)<18;

7. Print the names and majors of students who are taking one of the College Geometry courses. (Hint: You'll need to use the "like" predicate and the string matching character in your query.)

  • 分析需要用到的表格:
    1. Course's schema(cno:课程号,cname:课程名,dname:开课系名)
    2. major's schema(dname:所属系名,sid:学号)
    3. Enroll's schema(sid:学号,grade:成绩,dname:开课系名,cno:课程号,sectno:分班号)
    4. Student's schema(sid:学号,sname:姓名,sex:性别,age:年龄,year:年级,gpa:平均成绩点)
  • 过程分析:先通过模糊查询从Course表中得到和College Geometry courses相关的课程的cno和dname,再通过这两个属性在Enroll表中找到对应的学生的sid,再通过sid在major中找到这个学生的major,在Student表中找到这个学生的姓名。
  • sql语句:SELECT S.sname,M.dname FROM Student S,Major M WHERE S.sid=M.sid AND S.sid IN (SELECT E.sid FROM Enroll E WHERE E.dname IN (SELECT C.dname FROM Course C WHERE C.cname LIKE 'College Geometry') AND E.cno IN(SELECT C.cno FROM Course C WHERE C.cname LIKE 'College Geometry'));

8. For those departments that have no majors taking a College Geometry course, print the department name and the number of PhD students in the department.

  • 分析需要用到的表格:
    1. Course's schema(cno:课程号,cname:课程名,dname:开课系名)\
    2. Dept's schema(dname:系名,numphds:该系博士生人数)
  • 过程分析:通过模糊查询和NOT IN结合从Course表中得到不开设和College Geometry course相关课程的系名,再通过这个系名在Dept表中得到该系对应的博士生人数。
  • sql语句:SELECT D.dname,D.numphds FROM Dept D WHERE D.dname NOT IN(SELECT C.dname FROM Course C WHERE C.cname LIKE 'College Geometry');

9. Print the names of students who are taking both a Computer Sciences course and a Mathematics course.

  • 分析所要用到的表格:
    1. Student's schema(sid:学号,sname:姓名,sex:性别,age:年龄,year:年级,gpa:平均成绩点)
    2. Enroll's schema(sid:学号,grade:成绩,dname:开课系名,cno:课程号,sectno:分班号)
  • 过程分析:通过Enroll表找到同时选了Computer Sciences course 和 Mathematics course的学生的sid(本来想用INTERSECT实现,但是在网上查阅资料发现Access并不支持INTERSECT),再通过sid在Student表中找到对应的sname
  • sql语句:SELECT S.sname FROM Student S WHERE S.sid IN(SELECT E2.sid FROM Enroll E2 WHERE E2.dname='Computer Sciences') AND S.sid IN(SELECT E1.sid FROM Enroll E1 WHERE E1.dname='Mathematics');

10. Print the age difference between the oldest and youngest Computer Sciences major(s).

  • 分析所要用到的表格:
    1. Enroll's shema(sid:学号,grade:成绩,dname:开课系名,cno:课程号,sectno:分班号)
    2. Student's schema(sid:学号,sname:姓名,sex:性别,age:年龄,year:年级,gpa:平均成绩点)
  • 过程分析:通过Enroll表找到Computer Sciences major学生的sid,再通过sid在Student表中找到他们的年龄,通过聚合函数找到最大和最小的年龄,求出它们的差即可。
  • sql语句:SELECT (MAX(S.age)-MIN(S.age)) AS agedifference FROM Student S WHERE S.sid IN(SELECT E.sid FROM Enroll E WHERE E.dname='Computer Sciences');

11. For each department that has one or more majors with a GPA under 1.0, print the name of the department and the average GPA of its majors.

  • 分析所要用到的表格:
    1. Enroll's shema(sid:学号,grade:成绩,dname:开课系名,cno:课程号,sectno:分班号)
    2. Student's schema(sid:学号,sname:姓名,sex:性别,age:年龄,year:年级,gpa:平均成绩点)
  • 过程分析:通过sid连接Student表和Enroll表,通过dname进行分组,用聚合函数求出组里最低的gpa与1.0进行比较看是否符合要求,找到所有符合要求的dname和sid找到Student表中的gpa求出平均值即可。
  • sql语句:SELECT E.dname,ROUND(AVG(S.gpa),2) AS avggpa FROM Student S,Enroll E WHERE E.sid=S.sid GROUP BY E.dname HAVING MIN(S.gpa)<1.0;

12. Print the ids, names, and GPAs of the students who are currently taking all of the Civil Engineering courses.

  • 分析需要用到的表格:
    -1. Enroll's shema(sid:学号,grade:成绩,dname:开课系名,cno:课程号,sectno:分班号)
    1. Student's schema(sid:学号,sname:姓名,sex:性别,age:年龄,year:年级,gpa:平均成绩点)
  • 过程分析:选了所有Civil Engineering course的学生,需要用到NOT EXISTS,使用否定之否定查询一个学生没有哪一个Civil Engineering course没有上过,即是上过所有Civil Engineering course的学生,但是后开发现ACCESS不支持EXCEPT,只能使用NOT IN来代替。
  • sql语句:SELECT S.sid, S.sname, S.gpa FROM Student S WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT C.cno FROM Course C WHERE C.dname='Civil Engineering' AND C.cno NOT IN (SELECT E.cno FROM Enroll E WHERE E.dname='Civil Engineering' AND E.sid=S.sid));
    • 一开始是这样写的,会出现语法错误:SELECT S.sid, S.sname, S.gpa FROM Student S WHERE NOT EXISTS ((SELECT C.cno FROM Course C WHERE C.dname='Civil Engineering') NOT IN (SELECT E.cno FROM Enroll E WHERE E.dname='Civil Engineering' AND E.sid=S.sid));不太明白为什么不能这样写


  1. WHERE后面不能跟聚合函数语句
  2. 嵌套的里层的语句不能使用外层声明的范围变量
  3. round(对应数字,保留位数)可以保留相应的小数点位数
  4. 除了子查询在主查询的FROM子句中使用的EXISTS保留字的情况下可以返回多个字段外,其他情况子查询的SELECT后面只能返回一个字段
  • 一点心得体会
  1. 通过最终需要得到的结果作为驱动找到所有相关的表
  2. 从相关的表中找到对应结果的属性直接先写在第一个SELECT的后面
  3. 从这些需要得到的属性再去倒推表与表之间的关系,进行表与表之间的连接等操作



