Nice Saturday ~

Nice Saturday ~

作者: YiYa_咿呀 | 来源:发表于2024-01-19 22:24 被阅读0次

    No special is worth recording.
    It is a peaceful day.
    My New iPhone Homescreen
    I love the style and the pink color
    Actually it is a dynamic homescreen, very beautiful~

    My New iPhone Homescreen.jpg

    ohh, I have checked the delivery information of the supplements bought for grandma,it is predicted to arrive tomorrow, yeyeye
    I find that the significance of striving for money for me is that I can buy something meaningful for the people I love, althogh I spent some money, I still felt very happy,even happier that spending on myself. So cool!

    I also brought the supplement for 10 days for myself, recently I felt uncomfortable sometimes.
    My friends often say that my face look pale, maybe I need supple some nurture to strengthen my body.
    At 17:30, I go out for dinner with my friend
    the fish is delicious
    Fried chicken.jpg
    Sweet seaweed.jpg



          本文标题:Nice Saturday ~
