1. Floating, drifting, and speeding down rivers is all part of kayaking.
2. 救生衣 life jacket
3. 估计的 estimated
1. 而且如果你认为这很危险的话,那你就大错特错了。
And if you think it is dangerous, you are dead wrong.
2. 还有什么比这样度过炎炎夏日更好的方法呢?
What better way is there to spend a boiling hot summer day?
>> the brave = brave people
the rich = rich people
the poor = poor people
the sick = sick people
【Simin 的转述】
1. ……是有道理的;由此可见 It follows that……
It follows,therefore, that most women desire nothing but to look beautiful.
8. 登机牌 boarding pass
23.事事顺利 Everything should run as smooth as clockwork.
24. 排队 stand in line
26. 靠走道的座位 aisle seat / 靠窗的座位 window seat
1. 新闻报道称该病毒在亚洲蔓延的最为迅速。
The news is that the virus is now spreading fastest in Asia.
A word to the wise is sufficient, so don't take this warning lightly.