已经开始读《在银湖畔》(By the shores of silver lake),多西娅姑姑给爸爸提供了一个在铁路上工作的机会,爸爸说服家人搬去达可他州,并且第二天他就要出发,一家人高高兴兴做着搬家的准备,而有一个成员却兴奋不起来。他就是杰克,一条斗牛犬。下面一段文字就是描写杰克看到他们在套马装车时的心理活动。
Always before he had been eager and joyful when he saw Pa putting the cover on the wagon. He had taken his place under it when they started, and all the long way from Wisconsin to Indian Territory, and back again to Minnesota, he had trotted there in the wagon shade, behind the horses' feet. He had waded through creeks and swum rivers, and every night while Laura slept in the wagon he had guarded it. Every morning, even when his feet were sore from walking, he had been glad with her to see the sun rise and the horses hitched up; he had always been ready for the new day of traveling.