rust 学习 笔记(一)

rust 学习 笔记(一)

作者: 流血的手指 | 来源:发表于2019-02-27 14:22 被阅读1次

1. 打开本地的rust 文档

rustup doc
里面有 install 等 各类详细信息,就不多详述了。

2. cargo

cargo new proj_name
cargo build
cargo build --release  # release 版本
cargo run
cargo check
cargo update  # 升级库的版本,只升级小版本
cargo doc --open   # 查看库(crate)的文档

3. const

const MAX_POINTS: u32 = 100_000;


shadow & mut

Shadowing is different than marking a variable as mut, because we’ll get a compile-time error if we accidentally try to reassign to this variable without using the let keyword. By using let, we can perform a few transformations on a value but have the variable be immutable after those transformations have been completed.

The other difference between mut and shadowing is that because we’re effectively creating a new variable when we use the let keyword again, we can change the type of the value but reuse the same name. For example, say our program asks a user to show how many spaces they want between some text by inputting space characters, but we really want to store that input as a number:


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      本文标题:rust 学习 笔记(一)
