20170710 Monday

20170710 Monday

作者: 又玠 | 来源:发表于2017-07-10 22:23 被阅读0次

Night, as people say, sprite will come out and play around. Good time to summarize the day and make a happy end or a tragic one.

For a long time haven't I written down somthing in English, though words did not come out hard as I have thought but spelling the word right could be a burden. I am reading a book named the light of operation (营运之光) . The book is not a bad one, for the writter told a lot abt how to thinik and operate in the fussy business world. At the first sight, I didnt think the book is good enough to read, for, the aurthor seemd to critize a lot and dont give a dime on how to do the things right. But just like the title of the book, the light,  is bright, is good and could not be caught. You must think and observe, you have to try and search.

On reading books, I have read quite a lot in the past 2-3 yrs. Over hundred, plus twenty or so audio ones. The problem is that what the book has influenced me is quite not clear, sometimes I think I read just to relax and be in the zone, other times I think books are good in composing, and it must be some one have put faith in it and spent a lot of time and energy to put all the things down. One thing, I got these days though, is,  good books make one to think, I mean, literally, put the book down and think. You cant read too fast or you will think the book is a fuzz, it is just like a puzzle, all those who are not willing to put time on it would get litte from it. A game and a play between reader and writer. There are all kinds of books, as there are all kinds of people, one will spend the day doing nothing useful and think it is a good day for it is not so clear what is useful and feeling is always abt oneself.

Abt doing things. I think people, just like any other things, are driven by the force. The force can be outside and inside. As part with the whole, the will will flow while round around. Put in this way, we start by a samll insight, and the feedback could determine what will be done next. Fake it before you make it, is a good example in this position. We can but hope.

Last thing. writing will put you down in the world of thought, grant the time to think, back and forth . Anything useful or neglected before may come out for further invocation. And memory, like that thing in the computer with the same name, can be lost when you are out of juice. As least when you have litte spare time to think. So write something to the hardware before everything went away, is a good thing.


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