讲解:INFO90002、Database Systems、SQ

讲解:INFO90002、Database Systems、SQ

作者: kuzhazhe | 来源:发表于2020-01-13 08:58 被阅读0次

    INFO90002 Database Systems and Information Modelling Assignment 2, Semester 1 2019Assignment 2: SQLINDIVIDUAL PROJECT (10%)CaseYou are the SQL programmer for a mental wellbeing app, which allows users to do two types of things. The first is toparticipate in a Twitter-style social network. The second is to do online units called Steps, which are interactive therapymodules designed to exercise and develop a range of psychological skills. Your job is to write SQL queries that allow theapp to work. The data model is as follows:How the app worksWhen users register into the system, a record is created in the `user` table. Upon registering, a user can follow other usersto see their posts and activity. If user x (following) starts following user y (followed), an appropriate entry is created in the`user_follow` table (x following y does not necessarily mean that y follows x). The weight attribute of this table holds aninteger that reflects the extent to which x follows y; for example, this number would increase the more x likes or commentson posts created by y. To help connect users, each user can also select, from a list stored in the `interest` table, interests thatthey have (e.g. movies, music, books). For each interest that a user selects, a record is created in the associative table`user_interest`.On the therapy side of this app, users can do online modules called Steps. Different Steps take different amounts of time tocomplete and users can do a Step in one sitting or return to a Step and complete it later on. Sometimes they might not finisha Step and will instead move on to something else. Also, they can do any given Step as many times as they would like andeach time they finish a Step they can rate how it made them feel (1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest).As soon as user x makes a start on doing Step y, an entry is created in the `step_taken` table to record the fact that x starteddoing y. The timestamp of this start is also automatically recorded in the `when_started` column. If a user finishes thisattempt to do the Step, the datetime of completion is recorded in the `when_finished` column.INFO90002 Database Systems and Information Modelling Assignment 2, Semester 1 2019?2019 The University of MelbourneSteps are also categorised under themes, which are used to indicate what types of things a Step might help with. For example,a Step that helps with mindfulness might be categorised under the Mindfulness theme. The relationship between Steps andThemes is many-to-many.Setup ScriptTo set up the database in your MySQL server, download the file asst2-2019s1-setup.sql from LMS and run it in Workbench.This script creates the database tables and populates them with test data.Note the comments near the start of the script. If it is your own server, you will want to uncomment the uncomment sectionnear the top of the script, so that you create a new schema (‘wap’) to store the tables in. You cannot create a new schemaon the UniMelb Engineering IT server (info20003.unimelb.edu.au).The SQL queries you must writeOver the page are listed 10 questions for you to answer. Write one SQL statement to answer each question. Do not useviews or temporary tables to answer the questions.Beside each question is a maximum mark which reflects the difficulty of the question. Your total score will be scaled to10% of your overall marks in the subject.Make sure your code and output are readable – this will affect your mark. Where it would improve readability, order youroutput and use aliases. Format large numbers and fractions appropriately.AssessmentYour work will be assessed according to three criteria: Correctness of output (70%) Simplicity of code (20%) Correctness of formatting (10%)The “simplicity” requirement means that your code should not be unnecessarily complex. For example, a query thatproduces correct output, but say, joins more tables than is necessary, may not achieve full marks, even though it producesthe right output.INFO90002 hurdle requirementsTo pass INFO90002 you must obtain a grade of 35/70 for the exam and more than 15/30 for the two assignments combined.INFO90002 Database Systems and Information Modelling Assignment 2, Semester 1 20192019 The University of MelbourneThe Questions1. List the full names (e.g. Alice Smith), as one column, of the users who have not taken any Steps yet. (1)2. List all of the IDs and titles of Steps that contain the substring ‘mindful’ in their title. (1)3. Provide a list of the titles of all Steps completed by user with id = 17. Do not show duplicates (list each title onlyonce). (2)4. Provide a list of the titles of all Steps that have been taken more than two times along with a count of how manytimes. (2)5. Which Step(s), listed with columns id, title and the count of times taken, have been taken the greatest number oftimes? (3)6. List each Step with the title column, along with a代做INFO90002作业、代写Database Systems作业、SQL程序作业调试、代做SQL实验作业 代写Pyt count of how many times that Step has been taken and the averagerating received by the Step (formatted to 2 decimal places). Order the result by the average rating as a number indescending order. (3)7. Provide a list of the titles of all Steps that have been taken by both Alice (id = 1) and Bob (id == 2), along with thecombined number of times they have taken the Step. (4)8. List users older than or equal to 21 years of age, along with a count of how many other users they are followingand a count of how many other users are following them. List the user’s id, first name, last name, age, followingcount and followed count, and order the results by first name ascending, then last name ascending. (4)9. For each (user, theme) pair such that user has taken some steps under the theme, provide a count of how many timesa user has taken a step that is categorised under the theme. The output should consist of user ID, user first name,user last name, theme name and the count of steps taken. (5)For question 10, you can attempt one and only one of 10A or 10B:10.A) Provide a complete list of all user ID pairs such that the two users follow each other and share at least oneinterest. (Hint: MySQL has a CROSS JOIN operator, which returns the Cartesian product of rows from the joinedtables) (5)B) A query that returns a row for each instance in which two users, x and y, share an interest z. The result shouldconsist of user x ID, user x first name, user y ID, user y first name and the interest name. The returned results should INFO90002 Database Systems and Information Modelling Assignment 2, Semester 1 2019?2019 The University of Melbournebe such that only one of (x, y) or (y, x) is returned; for example, if row [1, Alice, 2, Bob, Tennis] is in the result set,then [2, Bob, 1, Alice, Tennis] should not be. (5)SubmissionSubmit a single PDF showing your ten answers to LMS by 6 pm on the due date of Friday 3rd May 2019, at the end of week8.Ensure that you place your student number at the top of every page of your submission.For each question, present an answer in the following format: Show the question number and question in black text. Show your answer (the SQL statement) in blue text (not a screen shot) Show a screenshot from Workbench showing output of 10 or fewer lines. Show how many rows were returned, in red textQuestion 7. List all users with the last name ‘Altman’SELECT *FROM userWHERE lastname = Altman;5 Rows ReturnedSQL queries must be formatted in an easy-to-read manner. This means writing keywords in all-caps,placing most clauses on new lines, and indenting subqueries. For example, this is acceptable:SELECT DISTINCT saleIdFROM SaleWHERE departmentID IN (SELECT departmentId FROM Department WHERE floor = 2);whereas this is not acceptable:select distinct saleId FROM Sale where departmentID IN (SELECT departmentId fromcDEPARTMENTWHERE Floor = 2);INFO90002 Database Systems and Information Modelling Assignment 2, Semester 1 20192019 The University of MelbourneAcademic HonestyThis assignment must be your own work. Plagiarism - the copying of anothers work without proper acknowledgment - isnot permitted. Nor is allowing another person to copy your work. Work submitted for assessment purposes must be theindependent work of the student concerned. Please refer to http://academichonesty.unimelb.edu.au/ for details aboutacademic honesty.Academic misconduct occurs when students portray someone elses work as their own. There are many ways in whichacademic misconduct can occur. Some of these are: Sham Paraphrasing: Material copied verbatim from text, with source acknowledged in-line, but represented as paraphrased. Illicit Paraphrasing: Material paraphrased from text without in-line acknowledgement of source. Other Plagiarism: Material copied from another students assignment with the knowledge of the other student. Verbatim Copying: Material copied verbatim from text without in-line acknowledgement of the source. Recycling: Same assignment submitted more than once for different subjects. Ghost Writing: Assignment written by third party and represented as own work. Purloining: Assignment copied from another students assignment or other persons papers without that person’sknowledge.The University is committed to graduating students with a profound respect for truth, and for the ethics of scholarship...we want our graduates to be capable of independent thought, to be able to do their own work, and to know how toacknowledge the work of others (Professor Peter McPhee).As such, the university takes a dim view of students who are not able to correctly acknowledge the work of others, or whotry to pass this work off as their own.All students should check the web site http://academichonesty.unimelb.edu.au/ which provides practical advice to studentsabout how to avoid academic misconduct.转自:http://www.7daixie.com/2019042422487455.html



          本文标题:讲解:INFO90002、Database Systems、SQ
