PHP, JSON留学生作业代做、代写Java实验作业、Java

PHP, JSON留学生作业代做、代写Java实验作业、Java

作者: duanzoutu | 来源:发表于2019-03-03 18:47 被阅读0次

    Homework 6: Search Server-side Scripting using PHP, JSON, andeBay API1. Objectives● Getting experience with the PHP programming language;● Getting experience with the eBay Finding API;● Getting experience using JSON parsers in PHP and JavaScript; and● Getting hands-on experience in GCP App Engine, AWS or Azure.1.1. Cloud exerciseThe back-end of this homework must be implemented in the cloud on GCP, AWS or Azure usingPHP.See homework 5 for installation of either one of these platforms. You only have to select oneplatform to implement your back-end.2. DescriptionIn this exercise, you are asked to create a webpage that allows you to search for productsinformation using the eBay APIs, and the results will be displayed in a tabular format.The page will also provide product details, seller details and related products.2.1. Description of the Search FormA user first opens a page, called productSearch.php (or any valid web page name). You shoulduse the ip-api.com HTTP API (See hint 3.3) to fetch the user’s geolocation, after which thesearch button should be enabled (it is initially greyed out and disabled when the page loads). Theusers must enter a keyword and choose what Category of the product they want to search(categories include Art, Baby, Books, Clothing, Shoes & Accessories, Computers/Tablets &Networking, Health & Beauty, Music and Video Games & Consoles) from a drop-down list. Thedefault value for the “Category” drop-down list is “All Categories”, which covers all of the“types” provided by the eBay Finding API.The users can also choose the Condition of the product they want based on new, used orunspecified. The default value for Condition is all for which none have to be checked. There isalso a Shipping option for the users (Local Pickup and Free Shipping) which they choose as afilter. The default option is all for which neither of the options need to checked. Also, the usershave option of enabling nearby search where they can enter the distance (in miles), which is theradius for the search where the center point is “Here” (zip code of current location returned fromip-api.com HTTP API) or the zip code entered in the edit box.Only when the “Enable Nearby Search” is checked, the options to put the distance and select itscenter point should be enabled (it is initially greyed out and disabled when the page loads).When the “Here” radio button is selected, the zip code edit box must be disabled. When the zipcode edit box is selected, it is a required field, and a 5-digit zip code must be entered. The defaultdistance is 10 miles from the chosen location. Use HTML5 “placeholder” to show the string “zip 2code” in the zip code edit box and “10” in the distance edit box as the initial values. An exampleis shown in Figure 1.Figure 1(a): Initial Search ScreenFigure 1(b): Search Screen (after Enabling Nearby Search)The Product Search form has two buttons:Search button: The button must be disabled while the page is fetching the user’s geolocation andmust be enabled once the geolocation is obtained. An example of valid input is shown in Figure2. Once the user has provided valid input, your client script (written in JavaScript) should send arequest to your server script productSearch.php with the form inputs. You can use either GETor POST to transfer the form data to the server script. The PHP server script will retrieve theform inputs, reformat them to the syntax of the API and send them to the eBay Finding API. Ifthe user clicks on the search button without providing a value in the “Keyword” field or “zipcode” edit box, you should show an error “tooltip” that indicates which field is missing.Examples are shown in Figure 3(a) and 3(b). If the input zip code is invalid, the page shoulddisplay a corresponding error massage as shown in Figure 3(c).3 Clear button: This button must clear the result area (below the search area) and set all formfields to the default values in the search area. The clear operation must be done using aJavaScript function.Figure 2: An Example of a valid SearchFigure 3(a): An Example of Invalid Search (empty input)4Figure 3(b): An Example of Invalid Search (empty zip code)Figure 3(c): An Example of Invalid Search (invalid zip code)2.2 Displaying Products Results TableIn this section, we outline how to use the form inputs to construct HTTP requests to the eBayFinding API service and display the result in the web page.The eBay Finding API service is documented here:https://developer.ebay.com/DevZone/finding/Concepts/FindingAPIGuide.htmlThe eBay Finding API service to “make a call” is documented here:https://developer.ebay.com/DevZone/finding/Concepts/MakingACall.html5The eBay Finding API service expects the following parameters: OPERATION-NAME: Set this field to be ‘findItemsAdvanced’. SERVICE-VERSION: Set this field to be ‘1.0.0’. SECURITY-APPNAME: Your applications API key. This key identifies your applicationfor purposes of quota management. RESPONSE-DATA-FORMAT: Set this field to ‘JSON’. REST-PAYLOAD: Add it to the API call. paginationInput.entriesPerPage: Set this to 20 to limit the number of results for a specificsearch. keywords: A term to be matched against all content that eBay has indexed for this place,including name of the product to be searched. categoryId: Filters the results to products matching the specified type id. Only one categorymay be specified (see Table 1). Searching without this field means searching in allcategories.Table 1: eBay Finding API - CategoryId Values for Various CategoriesCategory CategoryIdArt 550Baby 2984Books 267Clothing, Shoes & Accessories 11450Computers/Tablets & Networking 58058Health & Beauty 26395Music 11233Video Games & Consoles 1249 There are 4 filters, namely Condition, Shipping Options, MaxDistance, HideDuplicateItems.Every filter should have two parameters (name and value). When listing the filters, theyshould be indexed starting from ZERO. An Example of listing two parameters:itemFilter[0].name=filter1NAME&itemFilter[0].value=filter1Value&itemFilter[1].name=filter2NAME&itemFilter[1].value=filter2Value.If there are multiple values for a filter append it to the url using & operator:itemFilter[0].name=filter1NAME&itemFilter[0].value=filter1Value&itemFilter[0].value=filter1Value. buyerPostalCode: Zip code of where the product needs to be searched. You can locateitems that have been listed for nearby-markets only by specifying a buyerPostalCode anditem filters and MaxDistance. MaxDistance: By default, it is set to 10. The user can set it to any number which specifiesthe radius from his location.An example of an HTTP request to the eBay Finding API that searches for the products related toUSC within a 10 miles radius from the user’s current location is shown below:6http://svcs.ebay.com/services/search/FindingService/v1?OPERATIONNAME=findItemsAdvanced&SERVICE-VERSION=1.0.0&SECURITY-APPNAME=[APPID]&RESPONSE-DATA-FORMAT=JSON&RESTPAYLOAD&paginationInput.entriesPerPage=20&keywords=iphone&buyerPostalCode=90007&itemFilter(0).name=MaxDistance&itemFilter(0).value=10&itemFilter(1).name=FreeShippingOnly&itemFilter(1).value=true&itemFilter(2).name=LocalPickupOnly&itemFilter(2).value=true&itemFilter(3).name=HideDuplicateItems&itemFilter(3).value=true&itemFilter(4).name=Condition&itemFilter(4).value(0)=New&itemFilter(4).value(1)=Used&itemFilter(4).value(2)=UnspecifiedFigure 5 shows an example of the corresponding JSON response returned by the eBay FindingAPI service response.Figure 5: A sample JSON response returned by the eBay Finding APIThe PHP script (i.e., productSearch.php) should pass the returned JSON object to the clientside unmodified or parse the returned JSON and extract useful fields and pass these fields to theclient side in JSON format. You should use JavaScript to parse the JSON object and display theresults in a tabular format. A sample output is shown in Figure 6. The displayed table includessix columns: Index, Photo, Name, Price, Condition and Shipping Option. If returned JSONobject is missing a certain key value pair, display “N/A” in the corresponding field. If the APIservice returns an empty result set, the page should display “No records have been found” asshown in Figure 7.7Figure 6: An Example of a Valid Search resultFigure 7: An Example of an Empty Search resultWhen the search result contains at least one record, you need to map the data extracted from theAPI result to render the HTML result table as described in Table 2.Table 2: Mapping the result from Graph API into HTML tableHTML Table Column API service responseIndex The value of the “index” is a number rangingfrom 1 to 20 for all results.Photo The value of the “Photos” attribute is a part ofthe “galleryURL” object inside the “item”object.Name The value of the “Name” attribute is part of the“title” object inside the “item” object.8Price The value of the “Price” attribute is part of the“currentPrice” object inside the “sellingStatus”object which is part of “item” object.Zip code The value of the “Zip code” attribute is part ofthe “postalCode” object inside “item” object.Condition The value of the “Condition” attribute is part ofthe “condition” object inside “item” object. Setthe value to “N/A” if it doesn’t exist.Shipping Option The value of the “Shipping Option” attribute ispart of the “shippingInfo” object inside “item”object. Set the value to “Free Shipping” if the“shippingServiceCost” is zero or set it to thevalue in dollars if it is not zero. Set it to “N/A” ifno information is given.2.3 Displaying Product Details (Product details and Seller Message and Similar Items)In the search result table, if the user clicks on the name of a product, the page should make arequest for the detailed information using the eBay shopping API documented at:https://developer.ebay.com/devzone/shopping/docs/Concepts/ShoppingAPI_FormatOverview.htmlhttps://developer.ebay.com/devzone/shopping/docs/CallRef/GetSingleItem.htmlTo retrieve the details of a single item, the request needs the following parameters (output shouldbe JSON): callName: Set it to “GetSingleItem” to get information for a specific product. responseencoding: Set it to “JSON” to get a JSON response. appid: Your applications API key. This key identifies your application for purposes ofquota management. siteid: Set it to ‘0’ for siteId purposes. version: Set it to ‘967’ for API version purposes. ItemId: It is the “itemId” of the product the user clicked. IncludeSelector: Set it to “Description,Details,ItemSpecifics” to get required fields for thatproduct.An example of an HTTP request to the eBay Shopping API is shown below:http://open.api.ebay.com/shopping?callname=GetSingleItem&responseencoding=JSON&appid=[APPID]&siteid=0&version=967&ItemID=[ITEMID]&IncludeSelector=Description,Details,ItemSpecificsFigure 8 shows a sample corresponding response.9Figure 8: A sample JSON response from eBay Shopping API to get a Single Item.The PHP script (i.e., productSearch.php) should pass the returned JSON object to the clientside unmodified or parse the returned JSON and extract useful fields and pass these fields to theclient side in JSON format. You should use JavaScript to parse the JSON object and display theresults in a similar format as Figure 9. If the returned JSON stream doesn’t contain certainfields, those fields will not appear on the detail page. A sample output is shown in Figure 9.Figure 9(a) shows a result with all fields, Figure 9(b) shows a result with missing fields such as“Subtitle” and other item specific fields.10Figure 9(a): An Example of a Valid Search resultFigure 9(b): An Example of a Valid Search result with missing fields11When the search result contains at least one field, you need to map the data extracted from theAPI result to render the HTML result table as described in Table 3.Table 3: Mapping the result from eBay Shopping API into HTML TableHTML Key API service responsePhoto The value of the “PictureURL” attribute that ispart of the “Item” object.Title The value of the “Title” attribute that is part of the“Item” object.SubTitle The value of the “Subtitle” attribute that is part ofthe “Item” object.Price The value of the “price” attribute that is part ofthe “currentPrice” object inside the “Item” object.Location The value of the “Location” attribute that is part ofthe “Item” object along with its “postalcode”which is also a part of the “Item” object.Seller The value of the “UserId” attribute that is part ofthe “Seller” object inside the “Item” object.Return Policy (US) The value of the “ReturnPolicy” attribute that ispart of the “Item” object.ItemSpecifics (Name) The value of the all the NameValueList arraycorresponding to that name inside the“ItemSpecifics” object in the “Item” object.Regarding the Seller Message on toggling Click to show seller message:To retrieve the Seller Message, you should use the IFRAME tag to implement it. The heightof that message is dynamic depending on the height of the inner html page embedded in it.The information to be embedded in the IFRAME tag is the “Description” attribute which ispresent in the “Item” object.An example of a Seller Message for an iPhone as a keyword is given below in Figure 11:12Figure 11: An Example of a Valid Seller MessageThe details information includes two sub-sections: Seller Message and Similar Items which areby default hidden (i.e., collapsed) (as shown in Figure 12). The details information should overwritethe result table and needs to be displayed under the search form. When the user clicks onthe button, the “seller message” sub-section should be expanded, and the“similar items” sub-section should be hidden (if it is open) and vice versa (see the video for thebehavior).Figure 12: Both the seller message and similar items are hidden 13The “seller message” sub-section should display the seller message, as shown in Figure 13.Figure 13: When seller message is clicked, similar items are hidden.The “similar products photos” sub-section should display all photos (as shown in Figure 14) in atabular format.Figure 14: When similar items are clicked, seller message is hidden.On clicking the button to show similar items, the page should request the detailed informationusing the eBay Merchandising API documented at:https://developer.ebay.com/devzone/merchandising/docs/Concepts/MerchandisingAPI_FormatOverview.htmlTo retrieve details of similar items, the request needs the following parameters (output should beJSON): OPERATION-NAME: Set it to “getSimilarItems” to get information for a related product. SERVICE-NAME: Set it to “MerchandisingService” to specify Merchandising API calls.SERVICE-VERSION: Set it to 1.1.0 for API version support. CONSUMER-ID: Your applications API key. This key identifies your application forpurposes of quota management. RESPONSE-DATA-FORMAT: Set it to ‘JSON’.14 REST-PAYLOAD: Add it to the API call. itemId: Set it to “itemid” of the product the user clicked. maxResults: Set it to 8 to limit the related products to 8 in a row.An example of an HTTP request to the eBay Merchandise API that searches for similar productsto the product clicked initially is shown below:http://svcs.ebay.com/MerchandisingService?OPERATIONNAME=getSimilarItems&SERVICE-NAME=MerchandisingService&SERVICEVERSION=1.1.0&CONSUMER-ID=[Your_APP_ID]&RESPONSE-DATAFORMAT=JSON&REST-PAYLOAD&itemId=292862774875&maxResults=8Figure 15 shows a sample corresponding response.Figure 5: A sample JSON response returned by the eBay Merchandise API for getting similaritems.If the API service returns an empty result set, the page should display “No Seller MessageFound” instead of the Seller Message section and should display “No Similar Items Found”instead of Similar Items section. Sample outputs are shown in Figure 16 and Figure 17.Figure 16: When no Seller Message is found. 15Figure 17: When no Similar Items are found.Note that: You must use PHP server scripts to request all JSON objects except whencalling the ip-api.com API which should be called on the client side usingJavaScript. Expanding or hiding sub-areas should be implemented using JavaScript andyou are not allowed to use jQuery for this exercise.2.4 Saving Previous InputsIn addition to displaying the results, the web page should maintain the provided values. Forexample, if a user searches for “Keyword: USC, Category: Books, Condition: Used, ShippingOptions: Free Shipping, Enable Nearby Search with 15 miles from Here”, the user should seewhat was provided in the search form when displaying the results. In addition, when clicking ona “Product”, the page should display the information about the product, seller message andsimilar products and keep the values provided in the search form. It follows that you need tokeep the whole search box/input fields and buttons unmodified even while displayingresults/errors.In summary, the search mechanism to be implemented behaves as follows: Based on the query in the search form, construct a web service URL to retrieve the outputfrom the eBay API service. Pass the (possibly edited) JSON to the client side and parse JSON using JavaScript. Display the product information and seller message along with the similar items in theproper format.3. Hints3.1 How to get eBay API Key To get an eBay API key, please follow these steps given in the PDF file below:https://developer.ebay.com/DevZone/building-blocks/eBB_Join.pdf3.2 Get geolocation using IP-API.com16You need to use ip-api.com for searching the geolocation based on IP addresses. An example callis as follows:http://ip-api.com/jsonThe response is a JSON object shown in Figure 22.Figure 22: Response from ip-api.com APIThis article introduces some similar APIs, so you have more choice for your homework 6:https://ahmadawais.com/best-api-geolocating-an-ip-address/Use of Freegeoip API is not recommended.3.3 Parsing JSON-formatted data in PHPIn PHP 5 and 7, you can parse JSON-formatted data using the “json_decode” function. For moreinformation, please go to http://php.net/manual/en/function.json-decode.php.You can encode data into JSON-formatted objects using the “json_encode” function. For moreinformation, please go to http://php.net/manual/en/function.json-encode.php.3.4 Read and save contents in PHPTo read the contents of a JSON-formatted object, you can use the “file_get_contents” function.To save contents on the server side, you can use “file_put_contents” function.3.5 Deploy PHP file to the cloud (GAE/AWS/Azure)You should use the domain name of the GAE/AWS/Azure service you created in HW #5 tomake the request. For example, if your GAE/AWS/Azure server domain is called 17example.appspot.co or example.elasticbeanstalk.com or example.azurewebsites.net, thefollowing links will be generated:GAE - http://example.appspot.com/productSearch.phpAWS - http://example.elasticbeanstalk.com/productSearch.phpAzure - http://example.azurewebsites.net/productSearch.phpexample in the above URLs will be replaced by your choice of subdomain.4. Files to SubmitIn your course homework page, you should update the Homework 6 link to refer to your newinitial web search page for this exercise (for example, productSearch.php). This PHP file mustbe hosted on GAE, AWS or Azure cloud service. Graders will verify that this link is indeedpointing to one of the cloud services.Also, submit your source code file (it must be a single .php file, e.g. productSearch.php) tothe GitHub Classroom repository so that it can be graded and compared to all other students’source code via the MOSS code comparison tool.**IMPORTANT**: All discussions and explanations in Piazza related to this homework are part of thehomework description and grading guidelines. So please review all Piazza threads, beforefinishing the assignment. If there is a conflict between Piazza and this description and/orthe grading guidelines, Piazza always rules. You should not use JQuery for Homework 6. You should not call the eBay APIs directly from JavaScript, bypassing theApache/HTTP proxy. Implementing any one of them in JavaScript instead of PHP willresult in a 4-point penalty. The link to the video is: https://youtu.be/ VtVYSgOwHbI本团队核心人员组成主要包括硅谷工程师、BAT一线工程师,精通德英语!我们主要业务范围是代做编程大作业、课程设计等等。我们的方向领域:window编程 数值算法 AI人工智能 金融统计 计量分析 大数据 网络编程 WEB编程 通讯编程 游戏编程多媒体linux 外挂编程 程序API图像处理 嵌入式/单片机 数据库编程 控制台 进程与线程 网络安全 汇编语言 硬件编程 软件设计 工程标准规等。其中代写编程、代写程序、代写留学生程序作业语言或工具包括但不限于以下范围:C/C++/C#代写Java代写IT代写Python代写辅导编程作业Matlab代写Haskell代写Processing代写Linux环境搭建Rust代写Data Structure Assginment 数据结构代写MIPS代写Machine Learning 作业 代写Oracle/SQL/PostgreSQL/Pig 数据库代写/代做/辅导Web开发、网站开发、网站作业ASP.NET网站开发Finance Insurace Statistics统计、回归、迭代Prolog代写Computer Computational method代做因为专业,所以值得信赖。如有需要,请加QQ:99515681 或邮箱:99515681@qq.com 微信:codehelp



          本文标题:PHP, JSON留学生作业代做、代写Java实验作业、Java
