甘比精读-Day 20-22 The classical mus

甘比精读-Day 20-22 The classical mus

作者: Samantha_L | 来源:发表于2017-03-19 23:59 被阅读5次

1.ring out: When a sound rings out, it is loud and clear: 最基本的意思表示“响”

比如:枪响:A shot rang out.

这里则有一丝升华:Those words rang out across the Internet last week. 这些话响彻(传遍)互联网。

2.hoary adj.

两个意思 1)(old-fashioned) very old and well known and therefore no longer interesting

eg: a hoary old joke 老掉牙的笑话 还有文中的 hoary cliche

2)literally (especially of hair) grey or white because a person is old

eg: His hair was a hoary white.


noun [C or U]

1a sudden uncontrollable tightening of a muscle:

a muscle/muscular spasm

MAINLY UK My leg suddenly went into spasm.

spasm of sth a short period of something, especially something uncontrollable:

a spasm of guilt/coughing/laughing

4. morbidity 病态

通常用法还是具体的 比如发病率 morbidity rate 发病周期 morbidity circle

5.fixated adj.迷恋 依恋

unable to stop thinking about something:

a nation fixated on the past

Back in London, he became fixated with his best friend's daughter.


/ˈɪmɪnənt; ˋɪmənənt/adj (esp of unpleasant events) about to happen; likely to happen very soon (尤指不愉快的事件)即将发生的, 临近的, 逼近的:

no warning of imminent danger没有即将发生危险的警告 *

An announcement of further cuts in government expenditure is imminent.最近将发布进一步削减政府开支的公告.


the imminence of nuclear war核战迫近的危险.

imminently adv.



      本文标题:甘比精读-Day 20-22 The classical mus
