

作者: 嬉节 | 来源:发表于2020-06-05 09:24 被阅读0次

1. SmartBrief on Leadership

🧡 Hedging is one way to deal with uncertainty

Hedge: v. limit or qualify (something) by conditions or exceptions. 

also can be n. means that a fence or boundary formed by closely growing bushes or shrubs.

🧡 Humility and authenticity are crucial

humility: a modest or low view of one's own importance; humbleness. 谦逊

NOTE WORTHING: humiliate: v. make (someone) feel ashamed and foolish by injuring their dignity and self-respect, especially publicly. 

2. ProChef SmartBrief

🧡 Chef riffs on rice and beans with Indian-inspired spices

riff: v.  in jazz or popular music, to play a short, repeated series of notes.

here are the figurative meanings, means to enjoy cooking...

🧡 Pandemic spurs permanent changes at some eateries

spur: v. to encourage an activity or development, to make it happens faster

synoyms: stimulate

eatery: n. a restaurant or other place where people can be served food.  小餐馆

🧡 Kan. chef offers up garden's bounty to the community

bounty: n. a monetary gift or reward, typically given by a government, in particular.

3. BoardSource SmartBrief

🧡 Obama calls for sweeping reform of policing policies

sweep: v. move swiftly and smoothly. --》也有扫地的意思

🧡 Millions pledged to social justice groups

pledge: review ---> 20200523  庄重地保证

🧡 Shore up housing to help black families fight pandemic

shore up: to support or help (something) 

eg. The tax cuts are supposed to shore up the economy.

4. Data Security & Privacy SmartBrief

🧡 Identity thieves growing more savvy, study finds

savvy: adj. shrewd and knowledgeable in the realities of life. 精明的

🧡 $5B lawsuit says Google tracks users in incognito mode

incognito: adj. (of a person) having one's true identity concealed. 隐身

🧡 City, state employee records breached in recent attacks

breach: review --->20200515 


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