

作者: 欧洲尤格萨隆 | 来源:发表于2019-03-29 12:33 被阅读0次


    Paul's Trip Plan 1

    Paul's Trip Plan 2


    Paul's Trip Plan 1

    There are a couple of reasons for the trip.这次旅行的原因有两个.

    a couple of 两个 一对;一些 a couple of men 两个男人
    She slept for a couple of hours.
    reason for sth. 某事的原因 reason for the trip 这次旅行的原因.
    reason for doing sth.做某事的原因
    There are many reasons for being single.单身的原因有很多.

    He is think about starting some restaurants. 他正考虑开几个饭店

    think about sth.想,考虑.
    He only thinks about money.他只想着钱.

    He enjoys travelling and he'd like visit some friends.他喜欢旅行,而且他想去拜访几个朋友.

    visit 参观 拜访
    visit +地点 去某地呆一段时间. visit the museum 参观博物馆.
    visit sb. /go to see sb. 拜访某人
    visit some friends 拜访朋友.

    His old passport is expiring next week.This is something he did't expect.他的旧护照下周就要过期了,这是paul没有意料到的事.

    定语从句,原句应为 He did't expire that his old passport is expiring next week. 省去了先行词 that
    expire 到期
    My driver's license expired last month.我的驾照上个月过期了.

    Getting a new passport,will takes a week.拿到新护照需要花一周时间

    动名词做主语 所以是is
    Making airline reservations on line is easy.在网上订飞机票很简单.

    He needs to apply for a new passport right away.Paul需要马上去申请个新护照.

    need to do sth.需要做,得做.
    I need to learn English every day.我每天都需要学英语
    apply for 申请
    apply for a job online.网上申请工作.

    Paul's Trip Plan 2

    His friend lives near a beautiful lake about 3 hours from Tokyo.

    时间+from + 地点 = 距离某地有多长时间的路程
    We are only 5 minutes from Metro station.我们离地铁站只有五分钟的路程.

    The restaurant is located on a hill above the lake.饭店位于湖上边的山上.

    be located on 位于(山川岛屿上)
    be located at 位于(确切的地点)
    Jim's house is located at 221B Baker street.Jim的家位于贝克街221B号.
    be located in 位于(国家或者城市一类的比较大的地点)
    Mount Fuji is located in Japan.富士山位于日本.
    My school is located in Beijing.我的学校位于北京.

    One way to get to his friend's house is to go by train.去他朋友家的一种方法就是做火车

    way 方法 方式
    a way to do sth.做某事的方法
    One/The way to do sth. is to... 做...的方法是...
    One way to meet new people is to travel around the world.交新朋友的一种方法就是环球旅行.

    On the other hand,He may decide to go by car 另一方面,他没准会开车去他朋友家

    on the other hand 表示与前文不同的另一方面
    decide to do 决定做某事

    He can use a GPS to help him with directions.他可以使用定位系统帮他导航.

    direction 方向
    help sb. with sth.
    Can you help me with my homework.你能帮我看看作业吗.

    His friend can help Paul learn about doing business in china.他的朋友可以帮助Paul 学习如何在中国做生意.

    help sb. do sth 帮助某人做某事
    learn about 学习
    a lot to do 有很多东西要做
    a lot to learn 有很多要学.

    While (they are) in Beijing.they plan to visit several Italian restaurant.当他们在北京时候,打算去

    如果While 前后两句主语一样,可以省去while后边的主语和Be动词
    while 在...期间 接状态或持续动作
    You can take notes while (you are )learning English.你学英语的时候可以记笔记.

    The may with some of the owners too,but it isn't certain yet.他们没准也会去见几个餐厅拥有者,但还不是很确定.

    certain 肯定,确定 比sure 更正式
    be certain about/of sth 对某事确定
    are you certain about/of this ? 你确定吗
    meet with 与某人见面

    If he has time,he may go to The Great Wall of china.如果他有时间,他没准会去长城.

    主将从现 变化形式
    may 可能,去长城是目前不会做,不确定的事,要在假设的条件下才成立.

    It's a few hours outside of Beijing by car.长城在北京城外,开车需要一个小时.

    My home is 5 minutes west of my school by bike 我家在学校西边,骑自行车五分钟就到了.



