1. They had lunch together and then they went shopping.
Q: What did they do after having lunch?
>> They went shopping.
2. On most days, the buses come on schedule, but sometimes they don’t.
Yesterday, for example, several buses were late.
Q: What happened yesterday?
>> Several buses were late.
3. Bus No.60 was supposed to come at 8:30. But yesterday it didn’t come until 8:40.
Q: How late was Bus NO. 60?
>> It was ten minutes late.

4. When does the weather begin to get warmer?
>> Spring
5. During which season is the Sun at its highest point in the sky?
>> Summer
6. During which season is the Sun at its lowest point in the sky?
>> Winter
7. They are going to eat at home.
Q: Where are they going to eat?
>> They are going to eat at home.
8. She wants to spend more time designing clothes.
Q: What does Christina wants to spend more time doing?
>> designing clothes

9. After they get married, Christina plans to quit her job.
Q: What does Christina plans to do after she gets married?
>> She plans to quit her job.
10. She is staying at a hotel.
Q: Where is she staying?
A. She is staying at a hotel.
B. She didn't get lost.
C. She took a long walk from the hotel.
11. His stomach doesn't feel good.
Q: Why doesn't he want something hot and spicy?
A. He likes something hot and spicy
B. They ordered some Chinese food.
C. His stomach doesn't feel good.
12. She is tired of eating pizza.
Q: Why doesn't she want a pizza?
A. She is not a good cook.
B. She is tired of eating pizza.
C. He was thinking about a pizza.

13. Who is working in a repair shop?
A mechanic
14. Who is a delivering pizza?
A delivery person
15. Who is fixing a car?
A mechanic