4.What better combination is the

4.What better combination is the

作者: YAN_tdlorang | 来源:发表于2022-05-06 00:24 被阅读0次

1. 预感

I have a feeling 

I have a hunch that

I had a gut feeling 


I have a feeling that it will rain tomorrow.

2. 雨具

rain gear 雨具用品

rain stuff 雨具

rainwear 雨衣

3. 风更猛

hard: 形容词,常见表示困难的


The wind was blowing hard

4. 前来援救

短语:come to the rescue

5. 微弱的


6. 委婉的表达你的指责/评价


it is not very cozy day

It was too wet and cold


He’s not the smartest person I have ever met.

He is the stupidest person I've ever met.


Eric is not the easiest person to get along with.

Eric is hard/difficult to get along with.

7. parrot 鹦鹉

8. a gust of wind 一阵风

9. squawk 鸟发出响亮而粗厉的叫声

10. streaming流动

11. swoop down 俯冲

12. wade into 涉水

13. shield his eyes 保护身体

14. a chill went through him. 一阵寒意穿过身体

it gives him the chills/goosebumps

goosebumps 鸡皮疙瘩

15. Pirates海盗

16. Pirates of the Caribbean 加勒比海盗

17. squeak尖叫

18. flipped to 翻到

let's flip 掷铜板

flips 人字拖

19. raid 袭击

20. 美国国旗Star-Spangled Banner;American flag, Old Glory, Stars and Stripes

加拿大国旗The Maple Leaf Flag; the Canadian flag

21. rowboat

22. boat 小船;ship 大船

23. feel for 用手摸着找...

his glasses fell off 眼镜掉了

he felt for his glasses 用手摸着找眼镜

24. glint闪闪发光;闪亮

25. snatch 一把抓住

26. he took off running他跑开了

he came running他跑过来



he came prepared 他有备而来



27. prop 支撑

28. shove猛推;乱挤;推撞/ʃʌv/

29. pistols 手枪

30. vile 糟糕透顶的;低廉的;肮脏的

31. booty赃物;战利品

32. Before Jack knew it没等Jack反应过来

Before Jack knew it, the biggest pirate had grabbed him!


33. shaggy 长而乱的,乱蓬蓬

34. bully恃强凌弱的人

35. growled咆哮

36. kittens 小猫

37. gleeful欣喜的

38. shriek n 尖叫

39. pierce刺穿;刺破

40. He grabbed two of his pistols. 抓起了2支手枪,He shot them into the air 他向空中射击

41. lubbers 陆地人;傻大个

42. grin咧嘴笑

43. doom厄运;劫数

44. pouch 小袋子;荷包

45. growl 咆哮

46. shore海岸

47. seasick晕船的

48. brutes野兽

49. Hoist举起;抬起;拉起

50.  were hauled onto 被拖到

51. haul 拉

52. sword/sɔrd/

53. A shaft of 一束

54. a treasure chest 宝库

55. gale 大风

56.  took up the cry高喊

57. a long hard look 好好考量一番

58. shovel 铁锹

59. by thunder 发誓

60. gulp 大口大口地吸气

61. scowl 沉下脸;绷着脸/skaʊl/

62. omen  sign预示

63. Mutineers 反叛者/ˌmjutn..ˈɪr/

64. Rain fell in buckets.雨水成桶倾盆而下

65. dreary 沉寂的;阴沉的

66. trunk树干;箱子

67. cape斗篷

68. librarian 图书馆馆长

69. witch; magician; enchantress 女巫

70. dismay惊恐;焦虑;哀伤

71. You love the impossible, Annie. And you love knowledge, Jack. What better combination is there?” 字面还有比这更好的组合吗?

You can't get no better combination than that. 这是很难能可贵的人,以后恐怕也不会有很多像你们这样的人。



      本文标题:4.What better combination is the
