增长黑客(Growth Hacker -Sean Ellis)读

增长黑客(Growth Hacker -Sean Ellis)读

作者: 小见子 | 来源:发表于2018-09-13 01:06 被阅读0次

增长黑客 (GROWTH HACKER -Sean Ellis )读书笔记2

The 2nd reading notes of Growth Hacker written by Sean Ellis

1总关:所有快速增长的企业都有一个共同点-无论她们的客户是谁,商业模式如何,产品类型为何,处于哪个行业或者世界那个区域,她们的产品都广受喜爱。然而好的产品本身并不足以给公司带来爆发式的增长,例如谷歌眼镜和亚马逊Fire phone,以及微软zune hd。需要确定产品的不可或缺性,以及产品的核心价值。在没有确定产品的不可或缺性的前提下,盲目的展开增长攻势,势必掉进future creep 陷阱,BranchOut 就是这样。ahamoment 对于一个产品是否可以持续增长也起到至关作用。未达到这一标准,我们也可以通过一系列的手段去寻找,例如展开更多的客户调查,包括采访和实地调研,针对产品改动和信息传达进行高效试验,以及深入分析用户数据。而这些方法的基础是真实世界,事实胜于雄辩,线上线下群体都是可以的.高频测试之后的数据分析,将会发现一些特别的行为和偏好,为重新定位产品提供了依据。

1,Above all : Products are wildly loved  by people is used to be a common feature of  firms which grow rapidly ,no matter who they are ,no matter what kind of business pattern they took,no matter what kind of  stile the product are ,or which industry they are in ,even which area they are .Perfect feature of goods could not lead a rapidly growth to the company ,For instance ,Google Project Glass,Amazon Fire phone ,Microsoft Zune HD.To be sure that products are irreplaceable  and identifying  the main characteristic of products is necessary。before that ,Unchecked growth strategy was taken could let you fall in a future creep trap,like BranchOut .For one product weather  it could increase steady ,Ahamoment  could be a important role in progress .a series methods could be taken if they did not qualified ,e.g more surveys ,interviews,efficient test for  change and information-transfer of products,deeply analysis customers data ,all of them should be come from reality ,online and offline.after frequent test ,analysis of data result ,preference and hobby could be found which re-definition based on it .

2方法:不可或缺性调查 40%具备增长条件 ,25%-40%找到原因,基本属于微调范围,低于25%不适合你


              快节奏试验:mvt a/b测试(Optimizely ,Visual Website Optimizer tools )

                                multivariate test


3案例:1Google Project Glass,微软zune hd,亚马逊fire phone,都是好产品,但未达到不可或缺性

          2BranchOut (职业社交网站)过早展开增长攻势,巨大的客户增长其实就是一个庞氏骗局,最终灰飞烟灭。

            3Yelp(美国大众点评)vs  Citysearch (US 搜索服务商)-Ahamoment comments function 带来巨大的成功。

          4 Etsy(网络商店平台,专注个人或小型手工艺品公司)-online to offline 意外发现“针织群体

          5Tinder(约会交友应用)-online to offline (兄弟会和姐妹会关系)

            6Instagram ,pinterest ,hubspot,groupon-深挖数据,发现照片分享(ahamoment)




      本文标题:增长黑客(Growth Hacker -Sean Ellis)读
