rainy /英文散文诗

作者: 北藏 | 来源:发表于2019-01-14 20:06 被阅读282次
see you
It's raining your city ,I'm really want to ask ,if you have an umbrella

One day I meet you by the window,

You look so sad,


because today is a raining day

but I do not,because I'm afraid that you say no

I know you love raining day,

rainy is clear and cool

like her

clean and beautiful

just like,I said I love you …However I can't give you the company you want

I just wanna see you again

You just bring me a little heartache

I couldn't said I love you

I know only who can make you smile

We probably are the nofate

see you


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    本文标题:rainy /英文散文诗
