# country_code.py 获取国家二字代码
# 从pygal.maps.world模块导入{国家代码:国家名字}的列表
from pygal.maps.world import COUNTRIES
import json
# 创建找国家代码的函数
def get_country_code(country):
for code, name in COUNTRIES.items():
if name == country:
return code
return None
if __name__ == '__main__':
filename = 'world_GDP.json'
with open(filename) as f:
data = json.load(f)
for dic in data:
for key in dic:
if key == 'Year':
if dic[key] == 2016:
country = dic['Country Name']
print(country + ': ', get_country_code(country))
# world_GDP.py 世界2016年GDP
# 导入json模块
import json
# 从country_code.py文件导入get_country_code函数
from country_code import get_country_code
# 将pygal_maps_world.maps模块导入并命名为maps
import pygal_maps_world.maps as maps
# 导入数据
filename = 'world_GDP.json'
with open(filename) as f:
data = json.load(f)
# 世界GDP字典
cc_gdp = {}
# 解析数据
for dic in data:
# 遍历所有在data中的字典
for key in dic:
# 遍历字典的键
if key == 'Year':
# 如果键是'Year'
if dic[key] == 2016:
# 如果字典的Year键的值为2016
country = dic['Country Name']
value = dic['Value']
code = get_country_code(country)
if code:
cc_gdp[code] = value
# 创建世界地图并设置标题以及标签数据
wm = maps.World()
wm.title = 'World GDP in 2016, by country'
wm.add('2016', cc_gdp)
# 渲染地图,保存为
# 保存文件可以使用浏览器查看