Festival& Celebration–Great

Festival& Celebration–Great

作者: Andrelina | 来源:发表于2018-04-03 00:11 被阅读31次

    Pancake Day-last day before Lent 薄煎饼日

    Easter Day-the first Sunday following the full moon that occurs on or next after March 21 复活节

    Guy Fawkes' Day-November 5 盖伊·福克斯日

    National Day-King's official birthday

    Boxing Day-December 26 节礼日

    Mother's Day-2nd Sunday in May

    Queen's Birthday-April 21 女王诞辰日

    Queen's Official Birthday-June 10 女王法定诞辰日

    Valentine's Day-February 14

    Shakespeare's Day-April 23 莎士比亚纪念日

    St David's Day-March 1 圣戴维日

    Christmas Day-December 25

    Christmas Eve-December 24

    Pentecost-the 7th Sunday after Easter 圣灵降临日

    Lady's Day-March 25圣母玛利亚日

    St Patrick's Day-March 17 圣帕特里克日

    Holy Saturday-day before Faster 圣星期六

    Hallowmas-November 1 万圣节

    Halloween-October 31 万圣节前夕

    Beltane-May 1 五朔节

    May Day-May 1 五月节

    Ascension Day-Holy Thursday耶稣升天节

    Good Friday-last Friday before Easter耶稣受难日

    Commonwealth Day-May 1 英联邦纪念日

    April Fool's Day-April 1 愚人节

    New Year's Day-January 1

    Midsummer's Day-January 23



          本文标题:Festival& Celebration–Great
