306 沉寂之后续前缘

作者: 梅花之子 | 来源:发表于2019-09-29 21:17 被阅读0次
306 沉寂之后续前缘

The celebration of birth of an ancient as well as the cultural eastern country is the bound to pull the curtain.The flowers enhance the atmosphere the festival, decorating the passionate and warm characters.Once suffering from the disastrous war and in ruins, the dragon eventually took off shaking the world stage.

Getting rid of the poverty and state of falling behind the developing and industrial countries ,we develop economy, education ,culture, military ,PE ,science and technology rapidly at the high and irresistible speed.

Enlighten the inner dream that has been existing and achieve the lasting desire.

The splendid lanterns shine the starry night.After silence we explore the real characteristics.





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    本文标题:306 沉寂之后续前缘
