双语经典 大学 02

双语经典 大学 02

作者: 发明其道 | 来源:发表于2022-10-17 12:41 被阅读0次

【日课•双语经典 】day 2

《大学》The Great Learning


When  a  man  knows  the  point  where  to  rest,  and only then, will he have a fixed and definite purpose; with a fixed and definite purpose, and only then, will he be able to have calm and tranquillity of mind; with tranquillity of mind, and only then, will he be able to have peace and serenity of soul; with peace and serenity of soul, and only then, can he devote himself to deep, serious thinking and reflection; and it is only by deep, serious thinking and reflection that a man can attain the desired end--true wisdom.



      本文标题:双语经典 大学 02
