Decision Tree 决策树

作者: 环境与方法 | 来源:发表于2017-09-16 05:55 被阅读27次

Supervised learning 有监督学习

Goal: To learn a classification model from the data that can be used to predict the classes of new cases.

A Decision Tree 决策树概念

A decision tree will include decision nodes and leaf nodes.

All current tree algorithms are all heuristic algorithms

Each path from the root to a leaf is a rule

A greedy Divide-n-conquer algorithm

Tree is constructed in a top-down recursive manner

Key: Which attribute to choose in order to branch

Objective: Reduce impurity or uncertainty in data


The Entropy Formula:

The Entropy of Attribute Ai:

The Information gained by selecting Ai to branch or to partition data:

Finally we choose the largest gain to split the the current tree

在求出拥有最大InformationGain的Attribute之后,将其作为root。 剩下的数据重复以上过程。

Quiz related:

1. The resulting decision tree will use a subset of the attributes in S

2. It's a recursive algorithm

3. It works in a depth-first fashion

4. It's complexity is nlog(n)



    本文标题:Decision Tree 决策树
