Chapter3 Don't let The Enemy Mes

Chapter3 Don't let The Enemy Mes

作者: Jade_Yin | 来源:发表于2019-02-05 11:51 被阅读0次

    Don't let The Enemy Mess with you


    Are you struggling with negative thoughts that cripple you and maybe even cause you to feel suicidal? Thoughts like, I should give up and stop being a burden to others, or I'm all alone and nobody cares if I'm even alive.Thoughts like, there is no hope for me----things will never get better.Or,I am worthless and it's better for everyone if I just disappeared.If you have been having such thoughts that cause you to spiral downwards,I pray you will see that those are not thoughts from God---they are lies from the pit of hell.

    你是否在和那些重创你的,甚至使你想要自杀的负面想法作斗争?这些想法包括我应当放弃,停止成为别人的负担,或者我是孤独的,没有人在乎我是否还活着。或者我没有希望了---事情永远不会好起来。或者,我是毫无价值的,如果我消失了,对每个人都有好处。如果你一直有这些使你消沉的想法,我祈祷你会看到,这些不是从神来的,  而是从地狱来的谎言。

    The enemy is a master of mind games.His modus operandi is to plant lies in your head because he knows that if he can control your thoughts, he can manipulate your emotions.It is what he did in the Garden of Eden when he lied to Adam and Eve to cause them to harbor wrong beliefs about God, and it is what he continue s to do today.The enemy is known as the accuser(see Rev.12:10)and he is constantly accusing you to make you feel like you have not done enough and are not good enough-not good enough as a minister, a parent, or even as a Christian.He puts thoughts in your mind that cause you to focus only on negative things about yourself-----your past,your failures, the seemingly endless demands put on you,the job you lost, how rejected you feel.


    Stop listening to his lies.I may not know what you have gone through or the areas where you have failed, but I do know you have a God who loves you, and He has good plans for you, plans to give you a future and a hope(see Jer.29:11).I do know the Lord calls you the apple of His eye(see Zech.2:8), and He delights in you(see Zech. 3:17NLT).I do know our Lord Jesus has paid the price for you to be freed from the oppressive thoughts that bind you.In fact,I believe the first area He redeemed us from is the area of our thoughts.


    Before Jesus was scourged for our diseases and crucified for our sins, He first shed His blood for us----from the brow of His head---in the Garden of Gethsemane.When Adam sinned,God said to him,"By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food”(Gen.3:19 NIV).What happened in the Garden of Eden was ended in another garden by our Lord Jesus, the second Adam, when He was under such duress that He sweat blood.The Gospel of Luke records what happened:"And being in agony he prayed more earnestly:and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground”(Luke 22:44 KJV).


    Research has shown that the capillary blood vessels that feed the sweat glands can rupture when one is under conditions of extreme physical or emotional stress, causing blood to be secreted.As Jesus shed blood from His brow,His blood redeemed you from every thought that robs you of joy and victory.It redeemed you from your stress, worries, fears and anxieties!



    But Jesus did not stop there.He allowed Himself to be arrested, beaten, and scourged.After He had been savagely scourged, the Roman soldiers put a scarlet robe on Him.


    They twisted a crown of thorns and forced it on His head. They ridiculed Him, mocked Him, and spat on Him.They struck His head again and again with a reed, ramming the thorns into His head(see Matt.27:27-30).And He allowed those thorns, which represent the curse(see Gen.3:17-18),to sink into His brow, so that He could bear your curse of depression, despair, pessimism, and anxiety.


    Jesus endured the shame and pain, so that you can be filled with His joy.And after all that,He allowed Himself to be crucified.Do you know where Jesus was crucified? It was at Golgotha, which means“Place of a Skull”(Matt 27:33).The skull represents your thinking, and it also represents death.I believe one of the reasons He was crucified at Golgotha is that the place represents our dark and deadly thinking, and His sacrifice there allows us to be free from negative, destructive thoughts.


    Stop believing the lies the enemy wants you to believe about yourself


    You are so loved by Jesus. Stop despising and hurting yourself. Stop believing the lies the enemy wants you believe about yourself.Stop allowing him to play games with your mind.Stop allowing depression and despair to cloud your thoughts.Choose to fix your thoughts on Jesus and allow Him to keep you in His perfect peace (see Isa.26:3 NLT).Whatever you might be going through, whatever areas you have failed in, you can wake up each morning with hope, thinking,Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good!(Ps.118:29).Because of the blood of Jesus, you can receive the peace of God that surpasses all understanding, the peace of God that guards your heart and mind through Christ Jesus(see Phil.4:7)!


    [KJV]O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.

    诗篇118:29 你们要称谢耶和华,因他本为善;他的慈爱永远长存!

    Jesus Heals Your Broken Heart耶稣医治你破碎心灵

    The Lord loves you so much.A divine exchange took place when He went to the cross.He who knew no sin became sin so that you might become the righteousness of God in Him(see 2 Cor.5:21).He became a curse so that you might receive His blessings(see Gal.3:13-14).Whatever Jesus bore on the cross, you do not have to bear today.In Christ, you are redeemed from every curse of the law, from every penalty for your sins.He bore your pains and sicknesses and carried your sorrows so that you might be filled to with His divine health(see Isa.53:4).He became poor so that through His poverty you can always have more than enough(see 2 Cor.8:9).He became "a man of sorrows,acquainted with deepest grief"(Isa.53.3NLT), so that you might receive His joy. And you might not know this, but His heart was broken, so that yours might be whole


    Maybe you have suffered a miscarriage, or a loved one has passed away, and you cannot stop crying.Maybe your husband left you, and you feel utterly shattered and betrayed. Maybe you've given so much to your family or to your job, only to find yourself uncared for and discarded as you've gotten older.Whatever has broken your heart and caused the deep, unyielding sadness that is overwhelming you,t he Lord wants you to know you are not alone in your pain.


    The Bible tells us,“The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit”(Ps34:18NIV). He is so close to you right now, and He wants to take away the grief, hurt, and disappointment that have devastated you.The same God who calls each star by name knows you by name and wants to heal your broken heart and bind up your wounds(see Ps.147:3-4).I know it feels like your heart will never be whole again, but I pray that as you look away from your pain, and behold instead His wonderful love for you, strength will flow through you, and the oil of His joy will be a healing balm for your wounds.

    圣经告诉我们:“诗篇34:18 耶和华靠近伤心的人,拯救灵性痛悔的人。”此刻他就在你身边,他想带走那些摧毁你的悲伤,伤害和失望。那位按每颗星辰的名字称呼他们的上帝也按着你的名认识你,他想要治愈你破碎的心,并裹好你的伤口(诗篇147:3-4)。我知道你感觉你的心永远不会再完整,但我祈祷,当你把目光从你的痛苦上挪开,转而看到他对你奇妙的爱,你将重新得力,他的喜乐油将成为你伤口的治愈之油。

    I want to show you a passage of Scripture that captures God's heart for you so beautifully. May it allow you to catch a glimpse of why God sent our Lord Jesus:


    "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me,Because the Lord has anointed Me To preach good tidings to the poor;He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,To proclaim liberty to the captives,And the opening of the prison to those who are bound;To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord,And the day of vengeance of our God;To comfort all who mourn,To console those who mourn in Zion, To give them beauty for ashes,The oil of joy for mourning,The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness;That they may be called trees of righteousness,The planting of the Lord,that He may be glorified”And they shall rebuild the old ruins,They shall raise up the former desolations.And they shall repair the ruined cities,The desolations of many generations. 一Isaiah61:1-4

    61:1 主耶和华的灵在我身上;因为耶和华用膏膏我,叫我传好信息给谦卑的人(或译:传福音给贫穷的人),差遣我医好伤心的人,报告被掳的得释放,被囚的出监牢;61:2 报告耶和华的恩年,和我们 神报仇的日子;安慰一切悲哀的人,61:3 赐华冠与锡安悲哀的人,代替灰尘;喜乐油代替悲哀;赞美衣代替忧伤之灵;使他们称为“公义树”,是耶和华所栽的,叫他得荣耀。61:4 他们必修造已久的荒场,建立先前凄凉之处,重修历代荒凉之城。( 以赛亚书61:1-4)

    Our Lord Jesus was sent to heal your broken heart.The people around you may not even know you are hurting. All they see are your smiles and the outward success you seem to have.But even when you try to hide your pain from those around you,He sees it.He knows that “laughter can conceal a heavy heart, but when the laughter ends, the grief remains” (Prov.14:13 NLT).He sees you as you are, and He sees you as you struggle against the loneliness, hurt, and pain in your life.He knows what you are going through, and He knows the things that bring depression in your secret moments, the things that nobody else knows.


    He Sees Your Struggle and Comes to You他看到了你的挣扎,并且向你走来

    The Gospel of Mark records what happened when Jesus was alone on a mountain one evening to pray.His disciples were in a boat in the middle of the sea, but “He saw them straining at rowing, for the wind was against them”(Mark 6:48, boldface mine).And do you know what He did? He came to them, walking on the water.


    Right now,I pray that the Lord will cause your spiritual eyes to open so that you can see Him coming to you in the midst of your storm.The enemy wants you to keep looking at yourself----your pain, your failures, the things that have happened to you.Look away.The more you focus on them, the more you will sink deeper and deeper into despair. But as you behold Him who is Master over the wind and waves, you become like Him(see 2 Cor. 3:18). As long as Peter kept his eyes on Jesus and not the storm, he walked on water(see Matt.14:22-33).


    Beloved, keep your eyes on the Lord even when your heart is hurting, even when you have questions that can not be answered.Choose to lean on His love for you.You might think you are facing the storm alone, but just as He saw His disciples straining against the storm,He sees you struggling.If somewhere in your heart you have believed that God has abandoned you because you are discouraged,that is a lie from the enemy.Nothing could be further from the truth.He loves you, sees your struggle, and is coming to you even now.


    Why You Don't Have to Endure Bullying and Shame 


    Do you know what our Lord Jesus did to heal your broken heart?He allowed His own heart to be broken.Psalm 69 is a Messianic psalm that depicts our Lord Jesus on the cross.In verse 20, it says this: 


    Reproach has broken my heart, and I am full of heaviness; I looked for someone to take pity, but there was none; and for comforters, but I found none.------Psalm 69:20


    This verse tells us that“reproach" broke Jesus' heart.The Hebrew word for "reproach" is cherpah, meaning scorn, taunting, disgrace, rebuke, and shame.Perhaps there are people in your life who have been taunting and shaming you.It could be your parents, your spouse, the people in your school or at your workplace, or even your adult children saying things about you that cause you to feel ashamed, worthless, or dirty.Maybe it seems like everyone around you is picking on you and despising you. Today we call it bullying, and we know that being a victim of bullying can cause you to fall into depression.If you are being bullied, don't stay silent.Please talk to someone you trust.I'm praying that the Lord will help you to find the help and support you need.

    这节经文告诉我们,“责备”破碎了耶稣的心。希伯来文中的“责备”一词是cherpah,意思是蔑视,嘲弄,耻辱,斥责和羞耻。也许你生命中有些人嘲弄和羞辱你。 可能是你的父母,你的配偶,你学校或你工作中遇见的人,甚至你成年的孩子说你的事情会让你感到羞耻,毫无价值或肮脏。也许你身边的每个人都在挑剔你,轻视你, 今天我们称之为欺凌,我们知道成为欺凌的受害者会导致你陷入沮丧抑郁。如果你正在被欺负,不要保持沉默。请与你信任的人交谈。我祷告主会帮助你找到你需要的帮助和支持。

    At the same time,I want you to know that on the cross, our Lord Jesus bore the hurtful words people have spoken toward you.He bore every insult, every ridicule, and every scorn.The reproach that broke His heart was your reproach.The rejection that broke His heart at the cross was your rejection.From now on, guard your heart-whenever someone scorns or ridicules you, imagine Jesus  absorbing it for you, bearing all your hurt and shame on the cross.See Him allowing His heart to be broken in place of yours.I also want you to see that Isaiah 61:7 declares,"Instead of your shame you shall have double honor”That's His promise to you.He took your shame so that you can receive double honor.

    与此同时,我希望你们知道在十字架上,我们的主耶稣承受了人们对你所说的伤害性的话语。他承受了每一次侮辱,每一次嘲笑,每一次藐视。让他心碎的责备就是对你的责备。 在十字架上使他心碎的拒绝是对你的拒绝。从现在起,保护你的心 ---- 每当有人嘲笑或藐视你,想象耶稣已经为你吸收它,在十字架上承受了你所有的伤害和羞耻。看到他允许他的心代替你的被破碎,我也希望你看到以赛亚书61:7所说的:“你们必得加倍的好处,代替所受的羞辱;”,这是他对你的承诺。他担当你的羞辱,使你获得双重的尊荣。

    His Heart was Broken so Yours Can Be whole


    After Jesus had died on the cross, a soldier thrust a spear into His side to confirm His death, and the Bible records that"blood and water came out"(John 19:34). According to some Bible scholars and medical researchers, Jesus likely developed pulmonary edema and pericardial efusion (the build-up of fluid around the lungs and heart) as He struggled to breathe on the cross. In severe cases of cardiac stress, cardiac rupture can happen and the heart bursts. I believe that is what happened to our Lord Jesus He literally died of a broken heart. He has paid the price.


    Beloved, lift up your head. Step out of your ashes and receive His beauty. Give Him your mourning and take His oil of joy. Give Him your spirit of heaviness and put on His garment of praise. See Him coming to you and comforting you in the midst of your mourning. If you have been bound by oppressive thoughts and imprisoned by discouragement and despair, the Lord declares liberty to you today. Maybe you have been bound by drugs, pornography, unclean habits, or depression. Whatever you are bound by, He has come to proclaim freedom to you. Whatever areas of brokenness there might be in your life, the Lord declares that the old ruins shall be rebuilt and former desolations shall be raised up(see Isa.61:4).

    Because you are in Christ, there is hope.You are loved. You are loved.You are loved!

    亲爱的,抬起你的头。从尘埃中出来,接受他的美丽。 把你的悲伤给他,带走他的喜乐油。卸给他你心里的重担,穿上他的赞美衣。看他正向你走来,在悲伤中安慰你。如果你被负面思想压制,正被沮丧和绝望束缚,主今天就向你宣告自由。也许你被毒品,色情,不洁的习惯或抑郁捆绑。无论你受到什么捆绑,他都来向你宣告自由。无论你生命里什么地方被破碎,主宣告建立先前凄凉之处,重修历代荒凉之城(以赛亚书61:4)。

    因为你在基督里,你是有盼望的。你是被爱的。 你是被爱的。你是被爱的!

    A Prayer for the Hurting


    If you know depressive thoughts have bound you or your heart has been broken, I want to invite you to pray the prayer below. As you pray, may the God of peace crush Satan under your feet and cause you to walk in a whole new level of hope and freedom, in Jesus' mighty name.

    如果你知道抑郁的想法已经束缚你或你的心已经破碎,我想邀请你做以下的祷告。 在你祷告的时候,和平之君将撒旦践踏在你脚下,使你因为耶稣的名,拥有前所未有的希望和自由。

    Lord Jesus, thank You for loving me. Thank You for bearing my reproaches, my pain, my shame, and my rejections. I give You all the bitterness, anger, and resentment that have imprisoned me for so long. I give You the pain that has broken my heart and caused me to feel hopeless. I open my heart to You, and I receive Your love for me that was demonstrated at the cross. In all the areas I feel unworthy, in all the areas I have believed the lies of the enemy and allowed him to poison my mind,I thank You that right now,You are uprooting those lies. Help me to receive Your love and to walk in the liberty that You purchased for me to enjoy,In Your name I pray, Amen.

    主耶稣,谢谢你爱我。感谢你承受了我的辱骂,痛苦,羞耻和拒绝。我将长期以来监禁我的痛苦,愤怒和怨恨卸给你。我给你那伤害了我的心,让我感到绝望的痛苦。我向你敞开心扉,接受你在十字架上向我显明的爱。 在我感到没有价值的领域,在我相信敌人的谎言并允许他毒害我思想的领域,我现在就感谢你,你正在根除那些谎言。帮助我领受你的爱并行走在你为我赎买的自由中,奉你的名我祈祷,阿门。



          本文标题:Chapter3 Don't let The Enemy Mes
