graduation ceremony for the Thir

graduation ceremony for the Thir

作者: Landy童语 | 来源:发表于2018-05-03 06:12 被阅读0次


    Ladies and gentlemen,  welcome to the ceremony. We are here today to celebrate the graduation of future squad leaders of 007 from the third Training Camp. There are 14 teams of 6 in the camp. I am Landy Tong from team 3,  my number is 007-2266. I am the host today to guide you through the ceremony in English. Let me welcome my parters, the Chinese speaking presenter 007-5236 Li Xiangli.

    2、Wait a minute, 007, are you serious? Is James Bond coming today? Oh no, he would like to come, but we said no, not yet, not until he joins us. 007 is the biggest online writing group on Earth. It's the platform for all the new species of 007ers to evolve. Currently there are more than 100 squads, about 7500 members in 007 globally. We use real names and have individual identity numbers. We 007ers are the new species that take the initiative to update our brains by writing. We come from all over the world, with different backgrounds, different age groups, working in different industries. But there is one thing is the same, we love writing. We are evolving as a new species by writing. We write to change ourselves. We write to change the world. We write to get to the Antarctic.

    3、I hope you enjoyed the video - A journey of being a squad leader in 007.  In the intencive camp, you need to write one article every two days, describe your future squad culture, recruit your own very first coordinator, who is going to be co-leader with you for a month. This position is unique in 007, it is created by the founders. It gives everybody an opportunity to take responsibility and to make contributions for the online group. You will have to debug your previous squad, and make your own management handbook. The leaders who graduate today will lead their own squad of 77 members. So let's have a look of their graduation work and listen to their stories.

    4、How impressive. I was proud of the work created by team-3, the super helper Littile Seven app. Whenever you encounter online community management problems, click Little Seven and find useful advice. Team-4 wrote a guidebook for squad leaders to help members build up their own brands and businesses. Team-13 created a list of useful articles about everything related to 007. There's also a solution to the challenge of volunteer recruitment, and how to organize a high quality voice only group call. It's for everybody. Please save all these clever ideas for future reference.

    Ladies and gentlemen, It's time for your participation. Please vote for the best work you like in the mini program below. Vote for your dream team.

    5、Thank you very much for voting. We will announce the winner after the next section. As we have seen, what a lot of fantastic work these future squad leaders have created. How did they do it? Apart from hard work, they had also lots of help from the training team. Including the squad leaders who were trained at previous camps. Since they greduated, they have been running their own squad of 77 members for some time. They have abundant experience. They come back to the Camp with their thinking and strategy to guide us. Let's share their visions.

    6、I am really touched watching the lighthouse lighting up. The more lighthouses on the earth, the more 007ers in the world. Among the strategies above, there are so many useful skills that you can easily get and practice. Such as how to comment on other's articles, quote the highlights and give valuable suggestions. Build up emotional bonding first then set up good writing habits. Refine the culture of the squad, make it not only as warm as a home, but also as compatible as a company.

    7、Thank you very much for your participant. The winner of the teamwork is Team-3. Congratulations. The intelligent Little Seven won. The prize is a book signed by 007-1 Qin Jie for every member of the team.

    8、At the end of previous vedic, you must notice a new character. It pronounces Sū. It means new species. It's our symbol. It perfectly explained who we are. On the left, there is a character Geng, means getting bigger, better, and stronger. And the right part is Sheng, indicates life, full of energy, as prospicious as summer flower, and growing rapidly like wild grass. Together it means New species. As we mentioned in the beginning, we 007ers are the new species. We take initiative to update our brains. We look inside ourselves to feel our little universes. We look outside to learn from the others with different backgrounds, from different areas.

    We record, we rethink, we revive.

    9、If you are still puzzled, we have six stories for you. They will tell you what type of  new species 007er is. It's the new leaves come out of a dead log as long as there is sunshine and rain. Only you can change yourself, you want to change, you will change, don't limit yourself. It's revolution, create new life from the past. It's take action, now or never. If you really want to do something, the best timing is starting now. Just do it. Let's welcome Xu Xiao, Chen Zhixing, Zhu tuanhui.

    10、Three better man, leading better life, aiming bigger and getting stronger. They are new species. We have three more exciting stories, telling you how life can thrive like summer flower. They were reborn in 007, started a second life, growing rapidly and became well known among 007ers.

    11、生之总结Six new species, Six great stories. We hope they have inspired you all. They showed us the best way of practicing writing in 007, the strong minded of being a better self, the efficient way of communicating online with the other team members. You are not alone. Wenting said she experienced 10 times more in 007 than her previous life. You see,  If you work hard enough, everybody will help you.

    12、We got the result of the second voting. Let's congratulate team-4, the best idea of squad management. They give you great idea about helping individual group members building up their own brand and business.

    13、Ladies and gentlemen, the exciting moment is coming. Let's welcome our Camp leader 007-34 Zhou mingxing to handout the graduation certification for the future squad leaders.

    14、加班训营迭代简介Congratulations again. You did great job and you are rewarded. We will have to thank the camp organizers. You cultivated all the wonderful squad leaders, making 007 a better platform. So who's idea it is to start the camp? Where did it begin and how much have it been updating? Let's welcome Fu li.

    15、Without training camp, there won't be so many great squad leaders. A squad leader is the sauce code of the group. He will have to take the leadership for 7 years. All the squad leaders bonded with each other here, and inspired each other, working together better to lead the development of 007. Like every soldier has a sharp sward, you need Bank of Guests as a squad leader. It's a tool 2.0 version for training camp. It helps you manage the squad, it helps the member becoming a guest. As a guest, you will be invited to the other squads to share your knowledge, your skills, you will link with more talent members. You will build up your own brand or even be a business partner with 007.

    16、Yes, being a Squad leader is not the end of the journey, you should aim something bigger than yourself, to be a heavyweight in 007. You will join the bank of guest, be invited to inspire the other 007ers. Let's welcome Caicai. She is going to tell you what's next to do after being a leader and what you can do as a guest in the bank?

    17、Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for being here. We hope you throughly enjoyed it. Thank you very much for listening.

    To all the future squad leaders, squad leaders, camp organizers and ceremony team, thank you very much for your hard work.

    To all the 007ers, we wish one day, sooner than later, you will be trained to be a leader too.

    And to all the non-007ers, what are you waiting for? Scan the QR code below and join in, right here right now. Get onboard and evolve with us. Let's go to the Antarctic together in 7 years.

    88 Everyone, have a good sleep and sweet dreams.



          本文标题:graduation ceremony for the Thir
