NSString*Hxusername=[userdic objectForKey:@"useid"];//获取保存的userID
NSString*phonestr= [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]objectForKey:@"phonenum"];
NSString*chatid=[[phonestr md5String]substringFromIndex:16];//这个是获取客服的欢信ID
DataManager*datamage= [DataManager shareDataManager];
if (Hxusername.length>0) {
if ([datamage loginKefuSDK])//判断用户是否登录
ChattingViewController *chatController = [[ChattingViewController alloc] initWithConversationChatter:chatid conversationType:EMConversationTypeChat];[self.navigationController pushViewController:chatController animated:YES];
if ([datamage customelogin]) {
ChattingViewController *chatController = [[ChattingViewController alloc] initWithConversationChatter:chatid conversationType:EMConversationTypeChat];[self.navigationController pushViewController:chatController animated:YES];
}上面这是按钮方法里面的数据下面来说,DataManager*datamage= [DataManager shareDataManager];这个单利的方法
@interface DataManager : NSObject
@implementation DataManager
static DataManager *manager;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
manager = [[DataManager alloc] init];
return manager;
//userID存在的时候 登录IM
- (BOOL)loginKefuSDK {
NSDictionary*userdic=[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]objectForKey:@"userMessage"];//接受用户是否登录
NSString*loguser=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",[userdic objectForKey:@"useid"] ];
EMClient *client = [EMClient sharedClient];
if (client.isLoggedIn) {
if ([loguser isEqualToString:client.currentUsername])//当前登录用户的ID和即将要登录人的ID是否一样
return YES;
EMError *error = [[EMClient sharedClient] logout:YES];
if (!error) {
EMError *error = [[EMClient sharedClient] loginWithUsername:loguser password:@"123456"];
if (!error) { //IM登录成功
return YES;
} else { //登录失败
NSLog(@"登录失败 error code :%d,error description:%@",error.code,error.errorDescription);
return NO;
return NO;
EMClient *client = [EMClient sharedClient];
if (client.isLoggedIn) {
return YES;
if (![self registerIMuser]) {
return NO;
EMError *error = [[EMClient sharedClient] loginWithUsername:self.Hxusername password:@"123456"];
if (!error) { //IM登录成功
return YES;
} else { //登录失败
NSLog(@"登录失败 error code :%d,error description:%@",error.code,error.errorDescription);
return NO;
return NO;
- (BOOL)registerIMuser { //举个栗子。注册建议在服务端创建环信id与自己app的账号一一对应,\
EMError *error = nil;
NSString *newUser = [self getrandomUsername];
self.Hxusername = newUser;
error = [[EMClient sharedClient] registerWithUsername:newUser password:@"123456"];
if (error && error.code != EMErrorUserAlreadyExist) {
NSLog(@"注册失败;error code:%d,error description :%@",error.code,error.errorDescription);
return NO;
}return YES;
- (NSString *)getrandomUsername {
/*NSString *username = nil;
UIDevice *device = [UIDevice currentDevice];//创建设备对象
NSString *deviceUID = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:[[device identifierForVendor] UUIDString]];
if ([deviceUID length] == 0) {
CFUUIDRef uuid = CFUUIDCreate(NULL);
if (uuid)
deviceUID = (__bridge_transfer NSString *)CFUUIDCreateString(NULL, uuid);
username = [deviceUID stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"-" withString:@""];
username = [username stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%u",arc4random()%100000]];
return username;*/
//加上build ID是为了保证设备的唯一性,如果这里的buildID换了,设备的uuid也会变,这里的解决办法也就是放倒了钥匙串里面,不会因卸载程序,程序升级设备的标识会改变
NSString *SERVICE_NAME = NAVI_TEST_BUNDLE_ID;//最好用程序的bundle id
NSString * str = [SFHFKeychainUtils getPasswordForUsername:@"UUID" andServiceName:SERVICE_NAME error:nil]; // 从keychain获取数据
if ([str length]<=0)
str = [[[UIDevice currentDevice] identifierForVendor] UUIDString]; // 保存UUID作为手机唯一标识符[SFHFKeychainUtils storeUsername:@"UUID" andPassword:str forServiceName:SERVICE_NAME updateExisting:1 error:nil]; // 往keychain添加数据
str = [str stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"-" withString:@""];
return str;
#import@interface SFHFKeychainUtils : NSObject
+ (NSString *) getPasswordForUsername: (NSString *) username andServiceName: (NSString *) serviceName error: (NSError **) error;
+ (BOOL) storeUsername: (NSString *) username andPassword: (NSString *) password forServiceName: (NSString *) serviceName updateExisting: (BOOL) updateExisting error: (NSError **) error;
+ (BOOL) deleteItemForUsername: (NSString *) username andServiceName: (NSString *) serviceName error: (NSError **) error;
#import "SFHFKeychainUtils.h"
static NSString *SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain = @"SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain";
@interface SFHFKeychainUtils (PrivateMethods)
+ (SecKeychainItemRef) getKeychainItemReferenceForUsername: (NSString *) username andServiceName: (NSString *) serviceName error: (NSError **) error;
@implementation SFHFKeychainUtils
+ (NSString *) getPasswordForUsername: (NSString *) username andServiceName: (NSString *) serviceName error: (NSError **) error { if (!username || !serviceName) { *error = [NSError errorWithDomain: SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code: -2000 userInfo: nil]; return nil; } SecKeychainItemRef item = [SFHFKeychainUtils getKeychainItemReferenceForUsername: username andServiceName: serviceName error: error]; if (*error || !item) { return nil; }
// from Advanced Mac OS X Programming, ch. 16
UInt32 length;
char *password;
SecKeychainAttribute attributes[8];
SecKeychainAttributeList list;
attributes[0].tag = kSecAccountItemAttr;
attributes[1].tag = kSecDescriptionItemAttr;
attributes[2].tag = kSecLabelItemAttr;
attributes[3].tag = kSecModDateItemAttr;
list.count = 4;
list.attr = attributes;
OSStatus status = SecKeychainItemCopyContent(item, NULL, &list, &length, (void **)&password);
if (status != noErr)
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain: SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code: status userInfo: nil];
return nil;
NSString *passwordString = nil;
if (password != NULL)
{ char passwordBuffer[1024];
if (length > 1023) {length = 1023;
strncpy(passwordBuffer, password, length);
passwordBuffer[length] = '\0';
passwordString = [NSString stringWithCString:passwordBuffer];
}SecKeychainItemFreeContent(&list, password);CFRelease(item);return passwordString;
+ (void) storeUsername: (NSString *) username andPassword: (NSString *) password forServiceName: (NSString *) serviceName updateExisting: (BOOL) updateExisting error: (NSError **) error {
if (!username || !password || !serviceName) {
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain: SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code: -2000 userInfo: nil];
OSStatus status = noErr;
SecKeychainItemRef item = [SFHFKeychainUtils getKeychainItemReferenceForUsername: username andServiceName: serviceName error: error];
if (*error && [*error code] != noErr) {
*error = nil;
if (item) {
status = SecKeychainItemModifyAttributesAndData(item,
strlen([password UTF8String]),
[password UTF8String]);
else {
status = SecKeychainAddGenericPassword(NULL,
strlen([serviceName UTF8String]),
[serviceName UTF8String],
strlen([username UTF8String]),
[username UTF8String],
strlen([password UTF8String]),
[password UTF8String],
if (status != noErr) {
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain: SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code: status userInfo: nil];
+ (void) deleteItemForUsername: (NSString *) username andServiceName: (NSString *) serviceName error: (NSError **) error {
if (!username || !serviceName) {
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain: SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code: 2000 userInfo: nil];
*error = nil;
SecKeychainItemRef item = [SFHFKeychainUtils getKeychainItemReferenceForUsername: username andServiceName: serviceName error: error];
if (*error && [*error code] != noErr) {
OSStatus status;
if (item) {
status = SecKeychainItemDelete(item);
if (status != noErr) {
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain: SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code: status userInfo: nil];
+ (SecKeychainItemRef) getKeychainItemReferenceForUsername: (NSString *) username andServiceName: (NSString *) serviceName error: (NSError **) error {
if (!username || !serviceName) {
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain: SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code: -2000 userInfo: nil];
return nil;
*error = nil;
SecKeychainItemRef item;
OSStatus status = SecKeychainFindGenericPassword(NULL,
strlen([serviceName UTF8String]),
[serviceName UTF8String],
strlen([username UTF8String]),
[username UTF8String],
if (status != noErr) {
if (status != errSecItemNotFound) {
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain: SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code: status userInfo: nil];
return nil;
return item;
+ (NSString *) getPasswordForUsername: (NSString *) username andServiceName: (NSString *) serviceName error: (NSError **) error {
if (!username || !serviceName) {
if (error != nil) {
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain: SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code: -2000 userInfo: nil];
return nil;
if (error != nil) {
*error = nil;
// Set up a query dictionary with the base query attributes: item type (generic), username, and service
NSArray *keys = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: (__bridge_transfer NSString *) kSecClass, kSecAttrAccount, kSecAttrService, nil];
NSArray *objects = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: (__bridge_transfer NSString *) kSecClassGenericPassword, username, serviceName, nil];
NSMutableDictionary *query = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithObjects: objects forKeys: keys];
// First do a query for attributes, in case we already have a Keychain item with no password data set.
// One likely way such an incorrect item could have come about is due to the previous (incorrect)
// version of this code (which set the password as a generic attribute instead of password data).
NSMutableDictionary *attributeQuery = [query mutableCopy];
[attributeQuery setObject: (id) kCFBooleanTrue forKey:(__bridge_transfer id) kSecReturnAttributes];
CFTypeRef attrResult = NULL;
OSStatus status = SecItemCopyMatching((__bridge_retained CFDictionaryRef) attributeQuery, &attrResult);
//NSDictionary *attributeResult = (__bridge_transfer NSDictionary *)attrResult;
if (status != noErr) {
// No existing item found--simply return nil for the password
if (error != nil && status != errSecItemNotFound) {
//Only return an error if a real exception happened--not simply for "not found."
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain: SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code: status userInfo: nil];
return nil;
// We have an existing item, now query for the password data associated with it.
NSMutableDictionary *passwordQuery = [query mutableCopy];
[passwordQuery setObject: (id) kCFBooleanTrue forKey: (__bridge_transfer id) kSecReturnData];
CFTypeRef resData = NULL;
status = SecItemCopyMatching((__bridge_retained CFDictionaryRef) passwordQuery, (CFTypeRef *) &resData);
NSData *resultData = (__bridge_transfer NSData *)resData;
if (status != noErr) {
if (status == errSecItemNotFound) {
// We found attributes for the item previously, but no password now, so return a special error.
// Users of this API will probably want to detect this error and prompt the user to
// re-enter their credentials. When you attempt to store the re-entered credentials
// using storeUsername:andPassword:forServiceName:updateExisting:error
// the old, incorrect entry will be deleted and a new one with a properly encrypted
// password will be added.
if (error != nil) {
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain: SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code: -1999 userInfo: nil];
else {
// Something else went wrong. Simply return the normal Keychain API error code.
if (error != nil) {
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain: SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code: status userInfo: nil];
return nil;
NSString *password = nil;
if (resultData) {
password = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: resultData encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
else {
// There is an existing item, but we weren't able to get password data for it for some reason,
// Possibly as a result of an item being incorrectly entered by the previous code.
// Set the -1999 error so the code above us can prompt the user again.
if (error != nil) {
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain: SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code: -1999 userInfo: nil];
return password;
+ (BOOL) storeUsername: (NSString *) username andPassword: (NSString *) password forServiceName: (NSString *) serviceName updateExisting: (BOOL) updateExisting error: (NSError **) error
if (!username || !password || !serviceName)
if (error != nil)
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain: SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code: -2000 userInfo: nil];
return NO;
// See if we already have a password entered for these credentials.
NSError *getError = nil;
NSString *existingPassword = [SFHFKeychainUtils getPasswordForUsername: username andServiceName: serviceName error:&getError];
if ([getError code] == -1999)
// There is an existing entry without a password properly stored (possibly as a result of the previous incorrect version of this code.
// Delete the existing item before moving on entering a correct one.
getError = nil;
[self deleteItemForUsername: username andServiceName: serviceName error: &getError];
if ([getError code] != noErr)
if (error != nil)
*error = getError;
return NO;
else if ([getError code] != noErr)
if (error != nil)
*error = getError;
return NO;
if (error != nil)
*error = nil;
OSStatus status = noErr;
if (existingPassword)
// We have an existing, properly entered item with a password.
// Update the existing item.
if (![existingPassword isEqualToString:password] && updateExisting)
//Only update if we're allowed to update existing. If not, simply do nothing.
NSArray *keys = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: (__bridge_transfer NSString *) kSecClass,
NSArray *objects = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: (__bridge_transfer NSString *) kSecClassGenericPassword,
NSDictionary *query = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjects: objects forKeys: keys];
status = SecItemUpdate((__bridge_retained CFDictionaryRef) query, (__bridge_retained CFDictionaryRef) [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: [password dataUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding] forKey: (__bridge_transfer NSString *) kSecValueData]);
// No existing entry (or an existing, improperly entered, and therefore now
// deleted, entry). Create a new entry.
NSArray *keys = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: (__bridge_transfer NSString *) kSecClass,
NSArray *objects = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: (__bridge_transfer NSString *) kSecClassGenericPassword,
[password dataUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding],
NSDictionary *query = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjects: objects forKeys: keys];
status = SecItemAdd((__bridge_retained CFDictionaryRef) query, NULL);
if (error != nil && status != noErr)
// Something went wrong with adding the new item. Return the Keychain error code.
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain: SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code: status userInfo: nil];
return NO;
return YES;
+ (BOOL) deleteItemForUsername: (NSString *) username andServiceName: (NSString *) serviceName error: (NSError **) error
if (!username || !serviceName)
if (error != nil)
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain: SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code: -2000 userInfo: nil];
return NO;
if (error != nil)
*error = nil;
NSArray *keys = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: (__bridge_transfer NSString *) kSecClass, kSecAttrAccount, kSecAttrService, kSecReturnAttributes, nil];
NSArray *objects = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: (__bridge_transfer NSString *) kSecClassGenericPassword, username, serviceName, kCFBooleanTrue, nil];
NSDictionary *query = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjects: objects forKeys: keys];
OSStatus status = SecItemDelete((__bridge_retained CFDictionaryRef) query);
if (error != nil && status != noErr)
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain: SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code: status userInfo: nil];
return NO;
return YES;