- Building a Process Model-Model A
- 构建微服务之:微服务架构中的进程间通信
- Building a Process Model-The Gra
- Building a Process Model-Creatin
- Building a Process Model-Copying
- Building a Process Model-Overvie
- Building a Process Model-The Gra
- Building a Process Model-The Gra
- Building a Process Model-Setting
- Building a Process Model-Importi
使用Model Plot(模型绘图)菜单查看更多关于模式的信息。
|Model Plot Menu(模型绘图菜单) ||
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将鼠标光标悬停在HTML报告上,用户点击鼠标右键,将出现Microsoft Internet Explorer菜单。有关此菜单的更多信息,请参阅Microsoft帮助文件。
Use the Model Plot menu to view additional information about the mode.
|Model Plot Menu ||
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Print Plot
The response plots can be printed by either selecting the File/Print menu or by utilizing the toolbar. The detailed printing layout is specified in the page setup window.
Model Analysis
After a model is compiled, the Model Analysis module on the tree structure displays the steady state gain of the model, i.e. from the manipulated inputs and measured disturbances to the outputs.
Color-coding is used to indicate the presence of multi-ramping relationships, i.e. cyan/green/red for single/double/triple (and more) ramp, respectively.
The gain information is easily exported into a Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet by clicking the right button of the mouse and selecting the desired format.
NOTE: The static gain computation can be erroneous when the corresponding output does not exhibit the (ramping) behavior of its separate contributions. For example, if an output is made up of the sum of two ramps with equal magnitudes but opposite signs and different dynamics, the effective computed static gain is zero while the actual behavior is non-ramping.
Model Report
The Model Report module on the tree structure generates an HTML document. Such a document provides a synthetic overview of the model structure and of its associated parameters.
Right Mouse Button Menu
When the user clicks the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the HTML report, the Microsoft Internet Explorer menu appears. For more information about this menu, please refer to the Microsoft help files.
SMOCPro中此模块被用于为过程模型设计一个模型预测控制(MPC)型控制器。 SMOCPro采用了动态子控制器的概念;每个这样的子控制器用于动态优化并控制工厂部分。与此相反,整个的工艺模型被用于解决静态优化问题。
Designing a Controller
This module in SMOCPro is used to design a Model Predictive Control (MPC)-type controller for the process model. SMOCPro employs the concept of dynamic sub-controllers; each such sub-controller performs dynamic optimization and control for a section of the plant. In contrast, the overall process model is used to solve the static optimization problem.
In SMOCPro, the offline controller design and synthesis problem involves specifying the controller objectives, sub-controller architecture, sub-controller objective scopes, dynamic and static constraints, economic functions, et cetera. The resulting controller can be used either offline within SMOCPro for simulation purposes or online with EXASMOC for actual, real time process control.
NOTE: When the controller model is recompiled, the resulting process requires that all controllers be e rebuilt.