

作者: 蜗牛笔耕 | 来源:发表于2019-12-02 11:42 被阅读0次

    Day53 2019-12-2

    • 标题:
    Snail的ScalersTalk第五轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day53 2019-11-22

    • 正文:
    [Day 1892 2019-12-01]

    Lesson52 A pretty carpet
    We have just moved into a new house and I have been working hard all morning. I have been trying to get my new room in order. This has not been easy because I own over a thousand books. To make matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my books on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk on them to get in or out of the room. A short while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old bookcases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those books on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need bookcases at all. You can sit here in your spare time and read the carpet!'

    [ˈlɛsən]52 [ə] [ˈprɪti] [ˈkɑrpət]
    [wi] [hæv] [ʤʌst] [muvd] [ˈɪntu] [ə] [nu] [haʊs] [ænd] [aɪ] [hæv] [bɪn] [ˈwɜrkɪŋ] [hɑrd] [ɔl] [ˈmɔrnɪŋ]. [aɪ] [hæv] [bɪn] [ˈtraɪɪŋ] [tu] [gɛt] [maɪ] [nu] [rum] [ɪn] [ˈɔrdər]. [ðɪs] [hæz] [nɑt] [bɪn] [ˈizi] [bɪˈkɔz] [aɪ] [oʊn] [ˈoʊvər] [ə] [ˈθaʊzənd] [bʊks]. [tu] [meɪk] [ˈmætərz] [wɜrs], [ðə] [rum] [ɪz] [ˈræðər] [smɔl], [soʊ] [aɪ] [hæv] [ˌtɛmpəˈrɛrəli] [pʊt] [maɪ] [bʊks] [ɑn] [ðə] [flɔr]. [æt] [ðə] [ˈmoʊmənt], [ðeɪ] [ˈkʌvər] [ˈɛvəri] [ɪnʧ] [ʌv] [flɔr] [speɪs] [ænd] [aɪ] [ˈækʧuəli] [hæv] [tu] [wɔk] [ɑn] [ðɛm] [tu] [gɛt] [ɪn] [ɔr] [aʊt] [ʌv] [ðə] [rum]. [ə] [ʃɔrt] [waɪl] [əˈgoʊ], [maɪ] [ˈsɪstər] [hɛlpt] [mi] [tu] [ˈkæri] [wʌn] [ʌv] [maɪ] [oʊld] [ˈbʊkˌkeɪsɪz] [ʌp] [ðə] [stɛrz]. [ʃi] [wɛnt] [ˈɪntu] [maɪ] [rum] [ænd] [gɑt] [ə] [bɪg] [sərˈpraɪz] [wɛn] [ʃi] [sɔ] [ɔl] [ðoʊz] [bʊks] [ɑn] [ðə] [flɔr]. [ðɪs] [ɪz] [ðə] [ˈprɪtiəst] [ˈkɑrpət] [aɪ] [hæv] [ˈɛvər] [sin],' [ʃi] [sɛd]. [ʃi] [geɪzd] [æt] [ɪt] [fɔr] [sʌm] [taɪm] [ðɛn] [ˈædəd], [ju] [doʊnt] [nid] [ˈbʊkˌkeɪsɪz] [æt] [ɔl]. [ju] [kæn] [sɪt] [hir] [ɪn] [jʊər] [spɛr] [taɪm] [ænd] [rid] [ðə] [ˈkɑrpət]!'

    Lesson53 Hot snake

    At last firemen have put out a big forest fire in California.

    Since then, they have been trying to find out how the fire began. Forest fires are often caused by broken glass or by cigarette ends which people carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully, but were not able to find any broken glass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire.

    This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a snake which was wound round the electric wires of a 16,000-volt power line. In this way, he was able to solve the mystery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched up the snake from the ground and then dropped it on to the wires. The snake then wound itself round the wires. When it did so, it sent sparks down to the ground and these immediately started a fire.

    [ˈlɛsən]53 [hɑt] [sneɪk]
    [æt] [læst] [ˈfaɪrmən] [hæv] [pʊt] [aʊt] [ə] [bɪg] [ˈfɔrəst] [ˈfaɪər] [ɪn] [ˌkæləˈfɔrnjə]. [sɪns] [ðɛn], [ðeɪ] [hæv] [bɪn] [ˈtraɪɪŋ] [tu] [faɪnd] [aʊt] [haʊ] [ðə] [ˈfaɪər] [bɪˈgæn]. [ˈfɔrəst] [ˈfaɪərz] [ɑr] [ˈɔfən] [kɑzd] [baɪ] [ˈbroʊkən] [glæs] [ɔr] [baɪ] [ˌsɪgəˈrɛt] [ɛndz] [wɪʧ] [ˈpipəl] [ˈkɛrləsli] [θroʊ] [əˈweɪ]. [ˈjɛstərˌdeɪ] [ðə] [ˈfaɪrmən] [ɪgˈzæmənd] [ðə] [graʊnd] [ˈkɛrfəli], [bʌt] [wɜr] [nɑt] [ˈeɪbəl] [tu] [faɪnd] [ˈɛni] [ˈbroʊkən] [glæs]. [ðeɪ] [wɜr] [ˈɔlsoʊ] [kwaɪt] [ʃʊr] [ðæt] [ə] [ˌsɪgəˈrɛt] [ɛnd] [dɪd] [nɑt] [stɑrt] [ðə] [ˈfaɪər]. [ðɪs] [ˈmɔrnɪŋ], [ˌhaʊˈɛvər], [ə] [ˈfaɪrmən] [ˌæksəˈdɛntəli] [dɪˈskʌvərd] [ðə] [kɑz]. [hi] [ˈnoʊtəst] [ðə] [rɪˈmeɪnz] [ʌv] [ə] [sneɪk] [wɪʧ] [wʌz] [wund] [raʊnd] [ði] [ɪˈlɛktrɪk] [ˈwaɪərz] [ʌv] [eɪ] 16,000-[voʊlt] [ˈpaʊər] [laɪn]. [ɪn] [ðɪs] [weɪ], [hi] [wʌz] [ˈeɪbəl] [tu] [sɑlv] [ðə] [ˈmɪstəri]. [ði] [ˌɛkspləˈneɪʃən] [wʌz] [ˈsɪmpəl] [bʌt] [ˈvɛri] [ənˈjuʒˌuəl]. [ə] [bɜrd] [hæd] [snæʧt] [ʌp] [ðə] [sneɪk] [frʌm] [ðə] [graʊnd] [ænd] [ðɛn] [drɑpt] [ɪt] [ɑn] [tu] [ðə] [ˈwaɪərz]. [ðə] [sneɪk] [ðɛn] [wund] [ɪtˈsɛlf] [raʊnd] [ðə] [ˈwaɪərz]. [wɛn] [ɪt] [dɪd] [soʊ], [ɪt] [sɛnt] [spɑrks] [daʊn] [tu] [ðə] [graʊnd] [ænd] [ðiz] [ɪˈmidiətli] [ˈstɑrtəd] [ə] [ˈfaɪər].


    Temporarily /ˌtɛmpəˈrɛrəli/
    Carpet /ˈkɑrpət/
    California 英 /,kælɪ'fɔ:njə/ 美 /,kælɪ'fɔnjə/
    wire 英 /ˈwaɪə(r)/ 美 /ˈwaɪər/
    snatch 英 /snætʃ/ 美 /snætʃ/
    wound 英 /wuːnd/ 美 /wund/
    mystery 英 /ˈmɪstri/ 美 /ˈmɪstəri/

    Lesson52 用时35分钟 20分钟跟读打卡,13分钟复述打卡,2分钟复盘;
    Lesson53 用时35分钟 25分钟跟读打卡,12分钟复述打卡,3分钟复盘。



