函数名 |
函数名 |
abs() |
delattr() |
hash() |
memoryview() |
set() |
all() |
dict() |
help() |
min() |
setattr() |
any() |
dir() |
hex() |
next() |
slice() |
ascii() |
divmod() |
id() |
object() |
sorted() |
bin() |
enumerate() |
input() |
oct() |
staticmethod() |
bool() |
eval() |
int() |
open() |
str() |
breakpoint() |
exec() |
isinstance() |
ord() |
sum() |
bytearray() |
filter() |
issubclass() |
pow() |
super() |
bytes() |
float() |
iter() |
print() |
tuple() |
callable() |
format() |
len() |
property() |
type() |
chr() |
frozenset() |
list() |
range() |
vars() |
classmethod() |
getattr() |
locals() |
repr() |
zip() |
compile() |
globals() |
map() |
reversed() |
__import__() |
complex() |
hasattr() |
max() |
round() |
(x). Return the absolute value of a number.
(iterable). Return True if any element of the iterable is true. If the iterable is empty, return False.
hasattr(myObj, '__iter__')
In [19]: a=[]
...: a.__iter__
...: a.__iter__()
Out[19]: <list_iterator at 0x7fac201854e0>
(iterable). Return True
if any element of the iterable is true. If the iterable is empty, return False
(object). As repr()
, return a string containing a printable representation of an object
In [8]: ascii([1,2,3,4])
Out[8]: '[1, 2, 3, 4]'
In [9]: a=ascii([1,2,3,4])
In [10]: type(a)
Out[10]: str
(x). Convert an integer number to a binary string prefixed with “0b”.
In [18]: bin(123)
Out[18]: '0b1111011'