2019-02-23 weather

2019-02-23 weather

作者: 你好Ruby | 来源:发表于2019-02-23 09:24 被阅读0次

1. weather 作为动词表示渡过难关,在困难中挺过来,后面常接有负向含义的词。如 crisis, recession, criticism, scandal.

2. weather the storm 是个习惯表达,表示渡过难关。

Eg: The couple had to weather some difficult times in the early of their marriage.

Over the past 20 years, Alibaba has weathered storms and scandals.

3. 翻译: 这家公司从经济危机中挺了过来,最终得以蓬勃发展。The company has weathered economic crisis, and ultimately thrived.

4. 场景: 毕业后,他渡过了找工作的困难。After graduation, he weathered the difficult times when he started to seek jobs.


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