词为我用 - prudish

词为我用 - prudish

作者: b5438e0615f9 | 来源:发表于2021-05-17 20:26 被阅读0次


prudish  TEM8  GRE

UK  /ˈpruː.dɪʃ/ US  /ˈpruː.dɪʃ/

adj, If you describe someone as prudish, you mean that they are too easily shocked by things relating to sex.在性问题上大惊小怪的,过分正经的,谈性色变的



1. Dayuse.com is not prudish about what people might be doing when they book hotel rooms by the hour.(The Guardian)

2. I’ve just been a bit prudish about something that is at best sad and at worst tragic.(New York Times)

3. That sort of growth means it is now far too prudish to allocate a mere 10 percent of one's portfolio to developing powers such as Brazil and India.(BusinessWeek)

4. Still, there's no need to be prudish, according to the man overseeing the health of the Brazilian team.(Seattle Times)

5. "No one in this room is prudish enough to think that locker-room language isn't coarse."(Seattle Times)

6. "No one in this room is prudish enough to think that locker room language isn't coarse."(Newsweek)

7. For this he gets the gong, despite the prudish but irrelevant disapproval it engendered among his neighbours in Sutton-on-the-Hill in Derbyshire.(The Guardian)

8. As for Jeter, there is something puritanical and prudish to the charge that he cheated.(New York Times)

9. It was May 2001 and I was going through a prudish phase in my early relationship with gambling.(The Guardian)

10. Similarly, a licensing process for cosplay live streams earns criticism from fans who object to a prudish dress code and sweeping contract agreement.(The Verge)

11. There is a widespread perception that the prudish platform is especially censorious regarding same-sex content while remaining oddly lax when policing homophobic hate speech.(The Guardian)

12.If Macau is one of the more libertine places on the planet then in comparison, here in America our laws might be considered downright prudish.(Forbes)


prudish people, platform | prudish about | prudish enough | a bit prudish


prudishly, prudishness


"having the character or manner of a prude; prim, rigid, severe," 1717, from prude (adj.) + -ish.


bluenosed, nice-nelly, prim, puritanical, straitlaced


liberated, permissive,immoral, improper, indecent, lax, lecherous, lickerish, loose, prurient, wicked, sleazy, sluttish, slutty, trampy, debauched, degenerate, degraded, depraved, perverted

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      本文标题:词为我用 - prudish
