稀树草原上,上午晚些时候,太阳卡在天空与大地间,完成它的使命。它不再是刚刚从地平线升起,唤醒从冷冰冰的睡梦中苏醒的万物的那一枚温柔的太阳。同时,它也不是攀到最高点,炙烤着土地和岩石,热得发出嘶嘶声的太阳。 这是一个成熟、明事理的上午,太阳不遗余力地普照万物,每一株草、每一片叶子,都充满了阳光为维持生命所需带来的温暖。所有生命已经开始喝水解渴。在这个上午,生命喷薄而出,身体摇曳,情感洋溢。
Lion cub
Savannah. Late morning. The sun stuck between the sky and the earth to fulfill its function. It was no longer the gentle shining sun that had just risen from the horizon and awakened everything from a chilly sleep, but it was also not yet the sun that by reaching its peak heated the earth and stones to a hiss. It was a mature morning when the sun poured its energy into all living things, when every string of grass, every leaf was filled with the warmth of the sun to keep on living, when all the living beings have already drunk some water to calm their thirst. It was a morning when life came rushing out, bodies moving and emotions bubbling.
It was on this morning that a Lioness lay under a big crowned acacia tree and was playing with her little lion cub: it jumped on her, bit her paws, caught her tail, then fell to the ground from her back, and that made it even more fun.
The lioness seemed to rest as she watched her kid play. She was happy that it was playing a game of skill and each time invented new ways of winning its game. Suddenly the lioness’s ears and nose heard and smelled the threat. It was the hungry hyenas looking for food. Quickly she pushed the cub under herself. The little lion straightened up under its mother's body and waited for the order. There was no longer a playful, innocent, little child. Only two lionesses ready to kill in order to protect each other.
There was a loud and terrible roar – a roar of alarm, fear, pain, and despair. All the strength and power in the world was in that roaring. Nothing to see... A lot to fear... And a pack of hyenas. It was the roar of a lioness defending her child. Hyenas circled, kicking up dust, but they were afraid to come close to the child. The lioness was alone and she knew that she won’t get any help from anyone, so every time seeing the danger she rushed into battle like the last time. The muscles were bloodshot and heavy, and the blow was stronger. Her eye observed every object in sight and with excitement created a defense tactic.
But hyenas were not her worst enemy. Most of all she was afraid of him. Lion the king of animals and the one who could be the father of her child. Someone who is her equal, someone from the same species, but who does not know and will never feel the mother instincts, who will never come close to the lion cub, because she will not allow. Will not allow, because she is there to protect a new life, like everything new by discovering the world for herself and her child. Her body and mind were always alerted, her claws and muscles were always ready for a defense or an attack because they were on the lookout for the only one she feared the most and wanted the most.
Ukraine. Vinnitsa.
Summer 2016