

作者: 徐董丽英 | 来源:发表于2017-03-02 06:41 被阅读0次


茶之流派1—续3 It needed the genius of the Tang dynasty to emancipate Tea from its crude state and lead to its final idealization. With Luwuh in the middle of the eighth century we have our first apostle of tea. He was born in an age when Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism were seeking mutual synthesis. The pantheistic symbolism of the time was urging one to mirror the Universal in the Particular. Luwuh, a poet, saw in the Tea-service the same harmony and order which reigned through all things. In his celebrated work, the “Chaking” (The Holy Scripture of Tea) he formulated the Code of Tea. He has since been worshipped as the tutelary god of the Chinese tea merchants.
 最终是唐朝人以他们特有的浪漫天才将饮茶方式从那种粗糙的境地中带出,并领着它走向那条通往最终理想的道路。八世纪中期的陆羽是为人所知的第一位茶道大师。他正好出生在一个佛家、道家、儒家开始互相融合的时代。人们试图在如此多的偶像崇拜中找到一个集各家之长的平衡点。而陆羽,作为一个诗人,他发现茶内在的和谐使得它能够驾驭这些思想的长处。他的那部经典作品——《茶经》,在书中他确立了饮茶的一系列规范。从那时起,他被中国茶商奉为茶业的守护神。 茶之流派1—续3


  • 茶之流派1—续3


  • 茶之流派1—续1


  • 茶之流派1—续4

    徐艺珈 The “Chaking” consists of three volumes and ten chapt...

  • 茶之流派1—续5

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  • 茶之流派1—续2

    徐艺珈 By the fourth and fifth centuries Tea became a favour...

  • 茶之流派1—续6

    In the fifthchapter Luwuh describes the method of making ...

  • 茶之流派1—续7

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  • 茶之流派--续8

    The appearance of the “Chaking” must have created conside...

  • 茶之流派……1

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