enhance performance or optimal p

enhance performance or optimal p

作者: Komolei | 来源:发表于2017-11-08 23:49 被阅读0次

    How to optimize performance of web?

    There are seven aspects of enhancing web pages loading performance

    1. webpage content

    • decrease the number of the http request
    • decrease the number of the DNS-search
    • avoid redirection problem
    • avoid 404 error
    • cache ajax request
    • delay loading
    • load beforehand
    • decrease the number of DOM in the webpage content
    • use different domain to load content
    • decrease using the frame possibly

    2. server

    • use the CDN
    • add the expires or cache-control into reponse-header
    • use GZIP
    • use Etag (this way can avoid 304)
    • export cache quickly and early
    • avoid the image's src is null
    • use the get method of the ajax

    3. cookie

    • compress the size of cookie
    • use domain with no-cookie of static resource

    4. css

    • the css should stay at the head tag
    • don't use the expression of css
    • use Link better than @important
    • don't use filter?
    1. javascript
    • the js file should stay at the body's ending
    • compress the size of js file
    • decrease the operation of the DOM
    • don't use the repeated js file
    • use more effective event
    1. picture
    • use sprite
    • optimize picture
    • use favicon.ico
    • don't scale picture in the structure of html
    1. mobile app
    • keep every file's size is less than 25kb
    • pack the webpage into multipart



          本文标题:enhance performance or optimal p
