Effective Dart - Dart语言的高效之路

Effective Dart - Dart语言的高效之路

作者: luehning | 来源:发表于2019-12-08 15:04 被阅读0次









    Linter rule: prefer_collection_literals
    For help on enabling linter rules, see the documentation for customizing static analysis



    1.1 样式指南


    1.2 文档指南


    1.3 使用指南


    1.4 设计指南


    For links to all the guidelines, see the summary.



    2.1 DO(要做)应当遵守的规则
    2.2 DON‘T (不要做)不应该做的
    2.3 PREFER 应该遵循
    2.4 AVIOD 尽量避免
    2.5 CONSIDER 可遵守可不遵守,取决于自己的喜好


    3. 词汇表

    3.1 library member (库成员)


    3.2 class member(类成员)


    3.3 member(成员)


    3.4 variable (变量)


    3.5 type(类型)


    3.6 property(属性)


    4. 规则摘要

    4.1 样式

    4.1.1 标示符

    DO          使用大写的驼峰命名type类型。
    DO          使用大写的驼峰命名extension扩展。
    DO          使用带下划线的小写字母命名库、包、目录和源文件。
    DO          使用带下划线的小写字母输入前缀。
    DO          使用小写字母命名其他标识符。
    PREFER      使用小写的驼峰命名constant常量名。
    DO          大于两个字母长的,使用首字母缩写和简写。
    DON’T       不要对非私有标识符使用下划线。
    DON’T       不要使用前缀字母。

    4.1.2 排序

    DO          把“dart:”的import放在其他import之前。
    DO          在“package:”的import放在相关引入之前。
    PREFER      最好把外部引入的包放在其他包之前。
    DO          讲所有Export导出的单独放在所有import引入的区域之后。
    DO          按字母顺序import引入的区域。

    4.1.3 格式化

    DO            使用dartfmt格式化代码。
    CONSIDER      考虑更改代码,使其更适合格式化程序。
    AVOID.        每行不超过80个字符。
    DO            请对所有流控制语句使用大括号。

    4.2 文档

    4.2.1 注释

    DO          把注释格式化成句子。
    DON’T       不要对文档使用块注释。

    4.2.2 文档注释

    DO        对成员和类型使用 doc注释。///这是doc注释
    PREFER    最好为公共api编写doc注释。
    CONSIDER  考虑编写库级文档注释。
    CONSIDER  考虑为私有api编写doc注释。
    DO        注释要从一句总结的话开始。
    DO        把文档注释的第一句总结话和下面的详情内容用一个空行隔开。
    AVOID     注释应避免重复。
    PREFER    最好用第三人称动词来注释函数或方法。
    PREFER    最好用名词短语来注释变量、getter或setter
    PREFER    最好用名词短语来注释库或类型。
    CONSIDER  考虑在文档注释中包含代码示例。
    DO        在doc注释中使用方括号引用标识符。///[userName]是用户名
    DO        使用散文形式来解释参数、返回值和异常。
    DO        文档注释要在代码注释之前

    4.2.3 markdown

    AVOID     避免过度使用markdown
    AVOID     避免使用HTML格式
    PREFER    doc注释中写代码示例时,使用```把代码包住

    4.2.4 书写

    PREFER    简洁!
    AVOID     避免使用缩写和首字母缩略词,除非它们被大家熟知
    PREFER    最好使用“this”而不是“the”来引用成员的实例 ///中文注释请忽略这一条。


    4.3 用法

    4.3.1 库

    DO use strings in part of directives.
    DON’T import libraries that are inside the src directory of another package.
    PREFER relative paths when importing libraries within your own package’s lib directory.

    4.3.2 布尔值

    DO use `??` to convert `null` to a boolean value

    4.3.3 Strings

    DO use adjacent strings to concatenate string literals.
    PREFER using interpolation to compose strings and values.
    AVOID using curly braces in interpolation when not needed.

    4.3.4 Collections

    DO use collection literals when possible.
    DON’T use .length to see if a collection is empty.
    CONSIDER using higher-order methods to transform a sequence.
    AVOID using Iterable.forEach() with a function literal.
    DON’T use List.from() unless you intend to change the type of the result.
    DO use whereType() to filter a collection by type.
    DON’T use cast() when a nearby operation will do.
    AVOID using cast().

    4.3.5 Functions

    DO use a function declaration to bind a function to a name.
    DON’T create a lambda when a tear-off will do.

    4.3.6 Parameters

    DO use = to separate a named parameter from its default value.
    DON’T use an explicit default value of null.

    4.3.7 Variables

    DON’T explicitly initialize variables to null.
    AVOID storing what you can calculate.

    4.3.8 Members

    DON’T wrap a field in a getter and setter unnecessarily.
    PREFER using a final field to make a read-only property.
    CONSIDER using => for simple members.
    DON’T use this. except to redirect to a named constructor or to avoid shadowing.
    DO initialize fields at their declaration when possible.

    4.3.9 Constructors

    DO use initializing formals when possible.
    DON’T type annotate initializing formals.
    DO use ; instead of {} for empty constructor bodies.
    DON’T use new.
    DON’T use const redundantly.

    4.3.10 Error handling

    AVOID catches without on clauses.
    DON’T discard errors from catches without on clauses.
    DO throw objects that implement Error only for programmatic errors.
    DON’T explicitly catch Error or types that implement it.
    DO use rethrow to rethrow a caught exception.

    4.3.11 Asynchrony

    PREFER async/await over using raw futures.
    DON’T use async when it has no useful effect.
    CONSIDER using higher-order methods to transform a stream.
    AVOID using Completer directly.
    DO test for Future<T> when disambiguating a FutureOr<T> whose type argument could be Object.

    4.4 Design

    4.4.1 Names

    DO use terms consistently.
    AVOID abbreviations.
    PREFER putting the most descriptive noun last.
    CONSIDER making the code read like a sentence.
    PREFER a noun phrase for a non-boolean property or variable.
    PREFER a non-imperative verb phrase for a boolean property or variable.
    CONSIDER omitting the verb for a named boolean parameter.
    PREFER the “positive” name for a boolean property or variable.
    PREFER an imperative verb phrase for a function or method whose main purpose is a side effect.
    PREFER a noun phrase or non-imperative verb phrase for a function or method if returning a value is its primary purpose.
    CONSIDER an imperative verb phrase for a function or method if you want to draw attention to the work it performs.
    AVOID starting a method name with get.
    PREFER naming a method to___() if it copies the object’s state to a new object.
    PREFER naming a method as___() if it returns a different representation backed by the original object.
    AVOID describing the parameters in the function’s or method’s name.
    DO follow existing mnemonic conventions when naming type parameters.

    4.4.2 Libraries

    PREFER making declarations private.
    CONSIDER declaring multiple classes in the same library.

    4.4.3 Classes and mixins

    AVOID defining a one-member abstract class when a simple function will do.
    AVOID defining a class that contains only static members.
    AVOID extending a class that isn’t intended to be subclassed.
    DO document if your class supports being extended.
    AVOID implementing a class that isn’t intended to be an interface.
    DO document if your class supports being used as an interface.
    DO use mixin to define a mixin type.
    AVOID mixing in a type that isn’t intended to be a mixin.

    4.4.4 Constructors

    CONSIDER making your constructor const if the class supports it.

    4.4.5 Members

    PREFER making fields and top-level variables final.
    DO use getters for operations that conceptually access properties.
    DO use setters for operations that conceptually change properties.
    DON’T define a setter without a corresponding getter.
    AVOID returning null from members whose return type is bool, double, int, or num.
    AVOID returning this from methods just to enable a fluent interface.

    4.4.6 Types

    PREFER type annotating public fields and top-level variables if the type isn’t obvious.
    CONSIDER type annotating private fields and top-level variables if the type isn’t obvious.
    AVOID type annotating initialized local variables.
    AVOID annotating inferred parameter types on function expressions.
    AVOID redundant type arguments on generic invocations.
    DO annotate when Dart infers the wrong type.
    PREFER annotating with dynamic instead of letting inference fail.
    PREFER signatures in function type annotations.
    DON’T specify a return type for a setter.
    DON’T use the legacy typedef syntax.
    PREFER inline function types over typedefs.
    CONSIDER using function type syntax for parameters.
    DO annotate with Object instead of dynamic to indicate any object is allowed.
    DO use Future<void> as the return type of asynchronous members that do not produce values.
    AVOID using FutureOr<T> as a return type.

    4.4.7 Parameters

    AVOID positional boolean parameters.
    AVOID optional positional parameters if the user may want to omit earlier parameters.
    AVOID mandatory parameters that accept a special “no argument” value.
    DO use inclusive start and exclusive end parameters to accept a range.

    4.4.8 Equality

    DO override hashCode if you override ==.
    DO make your == operator obey the mathematical rules of equality.
    AVOID defining custom equality for mutable classes.
    DON’T check for null in custom == operators.



          本文标题:Effective Dart - Dart语言的高效之路
