iOS项目中,在pch文件中定义的枚举,会发现在其它类的.h文件中提示"Expected a type"错误,但是在.m文件中能正常识别。解决办法:将枚举放在独立的.h文件中并在pch中引入即可。
iOS项目中,在pch文件中定义的枚举,会发现在其它类的.h文件中提示"Expected a type"错误,但是...
错误信息:Expected a type 协议MSNavigtionProtocl类 MSViewModel类 M...
Cocopods_Expected identifier or "(" ,Expected a type 问...
Argument type 'String' does not conform to expected type ...
出现这种错误时是需要包含UIKit框架,只需要导入#import 头文件问题就消失了!如图导入前后
Cannot convert value of type 'ContentModel!' to expected ...
Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in ...
Type mismatch, expected: ProcessWindowFunction[(String, S...
unknown type name xxx expected a type 1、出现此类问题,就是未引用...
本文标题:"Expected a type" 错误