Date:2pm,Jan 6 ,2018
Address:NO. 2318 Yuhangtang Road, Cangqian Street, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
Title: AI in Urban Life
Short Description:
The mysterious power modern artificial intelligence (AI) demonstrated in competing to beat top human players in chess and go, is also exploited to make urban life more convenient, less stressful and more enjoyable. Techniques including complex network analysis and artificial neural networks have been applied to trip planning, weather forcasting, autor-driving car designing, regional development, and medical diagnosis. The "AI in Urban Life" satellite conference of NetSCIX2018, organized by one of the largest non-government scientific associations in China, Swarma Club, aims to bridge the gap between industry and academia, and to create an opportunity for scientists across disciplines to exchange notes on their practices in applying AI techniques to serve for a better urban life.
Session Organizer:
Jiang Zhang(Beijing Normal University)
Dr. Jiang Zhang is a professor in School of Systems Science, Beijing Normal University and the founder of Swarma Club and Swarma AI Campus. He is also the consultant of Tencent Research Institute and Ali Research Institute. His major research interests include complex systems, complex networks, and machine learning. He teaches MATLAB, computer simulation, and Artificial Intelligence courses in the university. Swarma Club is a well-known non-government organization for scientific exploration in China which has incubated several AI startups, such as CaiyunAI and Momenta.
Wanlin Wang(Alibaba AI Labs)
Human–computer interaction Director of Alibaba AI Labs
Director of Taobao User Experience Design Team,Interactive Designer of Alibaba.
Qian Zhang(Swarma AI Campus )
She is CEO&co-founder of swarma AI Campus ,She graduated from Key Laboratory of Big Data Analysis of Jiangsu Province, Master of Computer Vision.
Invited Speaker:
Gang Wang(Alibaba AI Labs)
TOPIC:Human-machine interaction based on artificial intelligence
Gang Wang is currently a principal engineer of Alibaba, and a chief scientist of Alibaba AI Labs. Prior to that, he was a tenured Associate Professor with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Nanyang Technological University (NTU). He received his B.Eng. degree from Harbin Institute of Technology in Electrical Engineering and the PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is a recipient of MIT Technology Review Innovator Under 35 award (Asia and Global). He is an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, and an area chair of ICCV 2017 and CVR 2018. He has published around 100 high quality research papers in top journals and conferences. His H-index is 36, according to Google scholar.
MichaelSzell(Central European University)
TOPIC:Exploring New York City taxi Trails and Sharing Our Way to a More Sustainable Urban Future
Michael Szell is assistant professor at Central European University, Center for Network Science, adjunct visiting professor at Northeastern University, Center for Complex Network Research, external faculty at the Complexity Science Hub Vienna, and research fellow at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies. His interdisciplinary background of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Physics is well reflected in his research goals: To quantitatively understand collective behavior and the underlying patterns of our interlinked actions and decisions in a computational social science, involving mining and modeling large-scale data sets of human activity using a complex networks approach. Michael's current focus is on urban and online environments and media, exploring urban mobility, sustainability, and data visualization, following his previous research positions at MIT's Senseable City Lab and moovel lab.
Wanlin Wang(Alibaba AI Labs)
Human–computer interaction Director of Alibaba AI Labs
Director of Taobao User Experience Design Team,Interactive Designer of Alibaba
TOPIC:VOICE & VISUAL:New Network of Human–computer interaction
Junming Huang(Northeastern Universit)
TOPIC:Modeling the Gender Gap in Science
Junming Huang is a postdoctoral research associate in Center for Complex Network Research at Northeastern University. His research interests lie in science of science and social network analysis. Before joining Northeastern University, he was an assistant researcher in CompleX Lab at University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. He received his PhD in Computer Science at the Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2014, after Bachelor of Science in Physics at Tsinghua University in 2007.
Jiang Zhang(Beijing Normal University)
TOPIC:Deep Learning on Complex Networks
Dr. Jiang Zhang is a professor in School of Systems Science, Beijing Normal University and the founder of Swarma Club and Swarma AI Campus. He is also the consultant of Tencent Research Institute and Ali Research Institute. His major research interests include complex systems, complex networks, and machine learning. He teaches MATLAB, computer simulation, and Artificial Intelligence courses in the university. Swarma Club is a well-known non-government organization for scientific exploration in China which has incubated several AI startups, such as CaiyunAI and Momenta.
Cheng-Jun Wang(Nanjing University)
TOPIC:Leveraging the Flow of Collective Attention for Computational Communication Research
Dr. Cheng-Jun Wang got his Ph.D degree of Media and Communication from City University of Hong Kong in 2014. He received his bachelor degree from Lanzhou University in 2008 and his master degree from Peking University in 2010. He joined Nanjing University as an assistant research fellow in 2014. Cheng-Jun Wang has served as the director of Ogilvy Data Science Lab, Computational Communication Collaboratory, since 2014, and currently he is an associate professor. His research on computational communication appears in both SSCI and SCI indexed journals, such as Scientific Reports, PloS ONE, Physica A, Cyberpsychology, and Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.
Pengqiu Xu(ColorfulClouds Technology)
TOPIC:Nowcasting Neural Network
Pengqiu Xu received his B.S degree in Physics in Peking University. He is an algorithm engineer (deep learning)inColorfulClouds Technologyfocusing on weather nowcasting, include weather radar denoising and precipitation nowcasting. His research interests are in quantitative precipitation forecast.