1. 认识这个词(基础篇)
英英释义:to have a particular result or involve something
例句:The pouring rain means the football match will be canceled.
2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇)
“mean”作动词除了“意思是”外,还常用来表示“意味着”“产生......的结果”。想表达“A 事件意味着/导致某种情况”时,就可以想到使用 mean,这也是外刊中常见的用法。这个意思看似简单,但很多英语学习者可能并没有掌握。我们来通过几个例句掌握这个用法。
A meager salary means that the family has to choose between paying rent and buying groceries.
The pouring rain means that the football match will be canceled.
从以上例句可以看出,mean 后面常接从句。它也可以直接接名词短语或者动名词。比如:
A promotion doesn't necessarily mean a pay raise. (mean 后直接接名词)
His new job at a consulting firm will mean traveling all over the country.(mean 后接动名词,注意这种用法出现频率较低)
需要注意的是,“mean”作“意味着”“产生...的结果”时没有进行时。也就是说,不会说“something is meaning...”,只会说“something means that/doing something...”。
最新一期《经济学人》中多次出现了“mean”的这种用法。一篇写石油公司 ExxonMobil(埃克森美孚)的文章中有这么一句:
He argues that his firm’s unusually high level of integration of its various businesses and technology means it can produce more efficiently than its peers.
But the rest of Asia may be harder to crack. For one thing, a warm climate in several countries means that UNIQLO cannot rely on its cold-weather products as a main driver of sales.
3. 从认识到会用(作业)
The economy is very sluggish, which means that a large number of companies have to take layoffs.
(参考翻译:The troubled economy means that many companies will resort to layoffs.) (更简洁)
Her father died, which means that the burden of this family will fall on her.