20160304 The world economy - Out

20160304 The world economy - Out

作者: Moomin8001 | 来源:发表于2016-03-06 10:07 被阅读0次

    The world economy-Out of ammo?#


    • Ammo###

    n. informal for Ammunition; 弹药,军火

    • arsenal###

    n. a store or supply; 储存,供应
    [e.g] Police have discovered an arsenal of guns and ammunition in a London house.

    • haven###

    n. a harbor or an anchorage; 港口或锚泊地
    [e.g] In the middle of the city, this garden is a haven of tranquility.

    • apogee###

    n. the farthest or highest point; the apex; 最远点,最高点;顶峰
    [e.g]His political career reached its apogee in the 1960s.

    • Bazooka###

    n. a shoulder-held weapon consisting of a long metal smoothbore tube for firing armor-piercing rockets at short range;火箭筒
    [e.g]He raised his bazooka and took his stance.

    • boo-boo###

    n. a stupid mistake; a blunder;大错, 愚蠢的错误;大过失
    [e.g]the petty talking points, peripheral issues, tactical boo-boos, and small-bore scandals that regularly intrude on campaign

    • torpor###

    n. a state of mental or physical inactivity or insensibility; 麻痹,麻木:精神或肉体上的反应迟钝或感觉迟缓的状态
    [e.g]He had sunk into an intellectual torpor.

    • pack a punch###

    to have a lot of ​force or a ​great ​effect
    [e.g]His ​speech ​packed ​quite a ​punch.These ​cocktails ​taste ​quite ​innocent, but they really pack a ​punch!

    • austerity###

    n. severe and rigid economy; 节俭:严格及严厉的节约
    [e.g]Russians have faced years of austerity after communism's fall.

    • Swabian###

    adj. 斯瓦比亚(德国西南部的一个前公爵领地); 斯华比亚人
    [e.g]The Swabian housewife praised by Angela Merkel for her thrift and no-nonsense attitude to life (accumulating wealth but not flaunting it) is undermining Germany's economic and cultural health.

    • frugality###

    n. Careful use of material resources
    [e.g]he was known for his frugality and modesty

    • riven###

    adj.torn apart, divided
    [e.g]Somalia's south remains riven by tribal feuds.

    • populist###

    n. A supporter of the rights and power of the people; 人民党主义者:人民权利与权力的支持者


    • As often as they inspire confidence, central bankers sow fear.
    • Faith in monetary policy is wavering.
    • Bond markets rallied and the sense of crisis receded.
      [分析]强烈的对比,句子工整对仗,从而使对比的感觉强烈。造其他句子也非常好用,如:Clinton’s support rallied, while Trump’s receded.克林顿支持率回升,而床破支持率暴跌。


    • quantitative easing (QE)###

    Quantitative easing is an unconventional monetary policy in which a central bank purchases government securities or other securities from the market in order to lower interest rates and increase the money supply. Quantitative easing increases the money supply by flooding financial institutions with capital in an effort to promote increased lending and liquidity. Quantitative easing is considered when short-term interest rates are at or approaching zero, and does not involve the printing of new banknotes

    • helicopter drop###

    "直升机撒钱" 政策
    A hypothetical, unconventional tool of monetary policy that involves printing large sums of money and distributing it to the public in order to stimulate the economy. Helicopter drop is largely a metaphor for unconventional measures to jumpstart the economy during deflationary periods. While “helicopter drop” was first mentioned by noted economist Milton Friedman, it gained popularity after Ben Bernanke made a passing reference to it in a November 2002 speech, when he was a new Federal Reserve governor. That single reference earned Bernanke the sobriquet of “Helicopter Ben,” a nickname that stayed with him during much of his tenure as a Fed member and Fed chairman.

    • Swabian frugality###

    the background of this phrase could be found at: http://www.economist.com/news/europe/21595503-views-economics-euro-and-much-else-draw-cultural-archetype-hail-swabian

    • windfall taxes###

    A tax levied by governments against certain industries when economic conditions allow those industries to experience above-average profits. Windfall taxes are primarily levied on the companies in the targeted industry that have benefited the most from the economic windfall, most often commodity-based businesses.

    • protectionist tariffs###

    Protectionism refers to government actions and policies that restrict or restrain international trade, often done with the intent of protecting local businesses and jobs from foreign competition. Typical methods of protectionism are import tariffs, quotas, subsidies or tax cuts to local businesses and direct state intervention



          本文标题:20160304 The world economy - Out
