
作者: yzw0921 | 来源:发表于2017-12-27 23:20 被阅读0次

    Charting Library consumes your own data so symbology is 100% up to you. You may use whatever naming convention you want. Just return symbol info in Charting Library format and use arbitrary symbols names. Virtually, symbol name may be an arbitrary string containing any characters.

    But there are some fine points you should know about:

    1. Our own symbology assumes symbols names have EXCHANGE:SYMBOL format. Surely Library supports this by default. So if you like it -- just keep calm and use it.
    2. Already having other symbology or just going to have one ? There is ticker term defined expecially for you. Ticker is symbol's unique identifier which is used only inside of Library. Your users will never see it. So just put ticker values in all of your SymbolInfo and Symbol Search results and expect Charting Library will ask you for data using those values.

    SymbolInfo Structure

    This section is extremely important. 72.2% of all issues experienced by Charting Library users are caused by wrong/malformed SymbolInfo data.

    SymbolInfo is an object containing symbol metadata. This object is the result of resolving the symbol. SymbolInfo has following fields:


    It's name of a symbol. It is a string which your users will see. Also, it will be used for data requests if you are not using tickers.


    It's an unique identifier for this symbol in your symbology. If you specify this property then its value will be used for all data requests for this symbol. ticker is treated to be equal to symbol if not specified explicitly.


    Description of a symbol. Will be printed in chart legend for this symbol.


    Optional type of the instrument. Possible values: stock, index, forex, futures, bitcoin, expression, spread, cfd or another string value. Some types has specific processing in the chart.


    Trading hours for this symbol. See the [[Trading Sessions|Trading Sessions]] article to know more details.

    exchange, listed_exchange

    For now both of this fields are expected to have short name of exchange where this symbol is traded. This name will be printed in chart's legend for this symbol. This field is not used for other purposes now.


    Exchange timezone for this symbol. We expect to get name of time zone in olsondb format. Supported timezones are:

    minmov, pricescale, minmove2, fractional

    These three keys have different meaning when using for common prices and for fractional prices.

    Common prices
     MinimalPossiblePriceChange = minmov / pricescale

    minmov is a number of units that make up one tick. For example, U.S. equities are quotes in decimals, and tick in decimals, and can go up +/- 0.01.
    So the tick increment is 1. But the e-mini S&P futures contract, though quoted in decimals, goes up in 0.25 increments, so the tick increment is 25.
    pricescale defines number of decimal places. Actually it is 10^number-of-decimal-places. If a price is displayed as 1.01, pricescale is 100; If it is displayed as 1.005, pricescale is 1000.
    minmove2 for common prices is 0 or it can be skipped.
    fractional for common prices is false or it can be skipped.


    Typical stock with 0.01 price increment: minmov = 1, pricescale = 100, minmove2 = 0
    Fractional prices

    Fractional prices are displayed as form 1 - xx'yy (for example, 133'21) or form 2 - xx'yy'zz (for example, 133'21'5).

    xx is an integer part.

    minmov/pricescale is a Fraction.

    minmove2 is used in form 2.

    fractional is true


    If minmov = 1, pricescale = 128 and minmove2 = 4
    119'16'0 represents 119 + 16/32
    119'16'2 represents 119 + 16.25/32
    119'16'5 represents 119 + 16.5/32
    119'16'7 represents 119 + 16.75/32

    More examples:

    ZBM2014 (T-Bond) with 1/32: minmov = 1, pricescale = 32, minmove2 = 0
    ZCM2014 (Corn) with 2/8: minmov = 2, pricescale = 8, minmove2 = 0
    ZFM2014 (5 year t-note) with 1/4 of 1/32: minmov=1, pricescale=128, minmove2= 4
    has_intraday <false>

    Boolean showing whether symbol has intraday (minutes) history data. If it's false then all buttons for intradays resolutions will be disabled when this symbol is active in chart.
    If it is set to true, all resolutions that are supplied directly by the datafeed must be provided in intraday_multipliers array.


    An array of resolutions which should be enabled in resolutions picker for this symbol. Each item of an array is expected to be a string. Format is described in another [[article|Resolution]].

    Resolutions treated as supported by datafeed (see datafeed configuration data) but not supported by the current symbol will be disabled in Resolution picker widget. If one changes the symbol and new symbol does not support the selected resolution then resolution will be switched to first one in supported resolutions list. Resolution availability logic (pseudocode):

    resolutionAvailable  =
        resolution.isIntraday ?
           symbol.has_intraday && symbol.supports_resoluiton(resolution) :

    In case of absence of supported_resolutions in a symbol info all DWM resolutions will be available. Intraday resolutions will be available if has_intraday is true.

    Supported resolutions affect available time frames too. The timeframe will not be available if it requires the resolution which is not supported.

    intraday_multipliers <[]>

    It is an array containing intraday resolutions (in minutes) the datafeed wants to build by itself. E.g., if the datafeed reported he supports resolutions ["1", "5", "15"], but in fact it has only 1 minute bars for symbol X, it should set intraday_multipliers of X = [1]. This will make Charting Library to build 5 and 15 resolutions by itself.

    has_seconds <false>

    Boolean showing whether symbol has sedonds history data. If it's false then all buttons for seconds resolutions will be disabled when this symbol is active in chart.
    If it is set to true, all resolutions that are supplied directly by the datafeed must be provided in seconds_multipliers array.

    seconds_multipliers <[]>

    It is an array containing seconds resolutions (in seconds without a postfix) the datafeed wants to build by itself. E.g., if the datafeed reported he supports resolutions ["1S", "5S", "15S"], but in fact it has only 1 second bars for symbol X, it should set seconds_multipliers of X = [1]. This will make Charting Library to build 5S and 15S resolutions by itself.

    has_daily <false>

    The boolean value showing whether datafeed has its own D resolution bars or not. If has_daily = false then Charting Library will build respective resolutions from intraday by itself. If not, then it will request those bars from datafeed.

    has_weekly_and_monthly <false>

    The boolean value showing whether datafeed has its own W and M resolution bars or not. If has_weekly_and_monthly = false then Charting Library will build respective resolutions from D by itself. If not, then it will request those bars from datafeed.

    has_empty_bars <false>

    The boolean value showing whether the library should generate empty bars in session when there is no data from datafeed for this time. I.e., if your session is 0900-1600 and your real data lacks of trades between 11:00 and 12:00 and your has_empty_bars is true, then Library will paste degenerate bars in this time.

    force_session_rebuild <true>

    The boolean value showing whether library should filter bars using current session. If false, bars will be filtered only when the library builds data from another resolution or if has_empty_bars was set to true. If true, the Library will remove from your data those bars that does not belong to the trading session.

    has_no_volume <false>

    Boolean showing whether symbol has volume data or not.

    volume_precision <0>

    Integer showing typical volume value decimal places for this symbol. 0 means volume always in an integer. 1 means there may be 1 numeric character after comma and so on.


    The status code of a series with this symbol. The status is shown in upper right corner of a chart. Supported values:

    • streaming
    • endofday
    • pulsed
    • delayed_streaming
    expired <false>

    Boolean showing whether this symbol is expired futures contract or not.


    Unix timestamp of expiration date. One must set this value if expired = true. Charting Library will request data for this symbol starting from that time point instead of actual moment.


    Sector for stocks to be displayed in Symbol Info.


    Industry for stocks to be displayed in Symbol Info.


    Currency to be displayed in Symbol Info.



