That which feels good for my heart is right for my soul.
I follow my bliss. I am my own best friend.
What I am is what I am. I appreciate my uniqueness.
I love my essence. I serve myself well.
I find purpose in the service of a higher cause.
Life is good. I am enjoying this moment - now.
I create my reality on a continuous basis.
I feel alive. I am alive.
I enjoy being taken good care of by the universe.
I am good at starting anew. I am good at walking the talk.
I can be happy, no matter what happens. I am happy to be me.
I learn from my past. The past is over and my future is now.
I open new doors. I think outside the box.
I invite bliss and ecstasy into my life.
Every moment I step into the wonderful unknown.
I surrender to the goodness of life.
I surrender to oneness.
I surrender to love.
I enjoy being alive. All is well.