
作者: luhu | 来源:发表于2017-05-15 22:03 被阅读0次

Macron will assume the presidency within a week.

Turnout, at an estimated 75%, was slightly lower than in recent elections.

He faces two pressing tasks.

He expects it allowing him to pass legislation and form a government.

His choice-- he hints that he wants....


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    Victor Hugo: studying in France is to be born in France. ...

  • France

    Macron will assume the presidency within a week. Turnout,...

  • France

  • The France

    France is a country of Europe. It locates in the west of ...

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  • 【中级趣读】Act like the Others

    Jack and Lydia are on holiday in France with their friend...

  • About weather forecast

    When it shows raining in Britain or France , it means it ...


