Running a Simulation ~Using the

Running a Simulation ~Using the

作者: 橡果 | 来源:发表于2016-10-15 12:20 被阅读7次

    2.从左到右填写字段:Step(步骤)(>1),Section(部分),Variable(变量),Attribute(属性),New Value(新值)和Duration/Period(持续时间/周期)(如果可用)。
    1.在第10步,我们将Tray1Temp CV的低限从339增加到348。
    2.在第80步,我们将BottomTemp CV的高限从390降低到385。
    2.从左到右修改字段:Step(步骤)(>1),Section(部分),Variable(变量),Attribute(属性),New Value(新值)和Duration(持续时间)(如果可用)。
    注意:对第一步(启动条件)的事件,只能修改New Value(新值)和Duration(持续时间)(如果可用)字段。

    Section(部分) **Attribute(属性) ** Description(描述) Tab(选项卡)

    Economic Func(经济函数) Selection(部分) 选择经济函数。除了用户定义的经济函数,你现在可以轻松地选择从RTO下载经济函数值。 这将在控制器树节点的经济函数选项卡中完成。可用的经济函数选项有:

    1. NONE(无)
    2. 用户定义的经济函数(下图中的MaxFeed)3. RTO Target(RTO 目标值)

      如果未选择远程目标,则只有(1)和(2)是可用的。 General(普通)

    Tracking Filter(跟踪滤波) 用于跟踪经济最优的期望轨迹时间常数(以时间为单位)。 General(普通)

    Economic Coeff(经济系数) Value(值) 经济系数值(当装置经济性变化时)。 General(普通)

    Model Block(模型块) Gain(增益) 如果模型包含可修改的增益,则此选项包含了模型块可修改增益的值。更改(初始固定值)将触发控制器的在线调整。 General(普通)

    Disturbance(干扰) Error(误差) 在选择DV的错误类型时,有三种类型允许选择:


    Operating Point(操作点) 变量的参考值。 General(普通)

    Noise Seed(噪声种子) 该种子用于初始化随机数发生器,其确定了要在模拟中使用的噪声序列。相同的非零种子将产生相同的白噪声序列(可重复噪声)。
    Noise std dev(噪声标准偏差) 添加到变量中白噪声的标准偏差。 General(普通)
    Ramp/Duration(斜坡/持续时间) 添加到变量中的斜坡幅度和持续时间。 General(普通)
    Sine/Duration(正弦/持续时间) 添加到变量中的正弦波幅度和周期。 General(普通)

    Using the Scenario List
    The scenario spreadsheets delineate the events with color-coding features according to type. Thick blue lines separate the different sections of the starting condition events. White or green background distinguishes between different variables in the same section.
    You can change the appearance of the variable list by:
    • Toggling the display radio buttons on the top of the window.
    • Sorting the variables by name or port number using the Sort selection on the View menu.
    To create an event (at any step > 1):

    1. Click on the last row (blank row) of the spreadsheet.
    2. Fill the fields from left to right: Step (larger than one), Section, Variable, Attribute, New Value and Duration/Period (when available).

    For instance, in our example we have entered two events after the initial conditions in the SubTest tab:

    1. At step 10 we increase the Low Limit of the Tray1Temp CV from 339 to 348.
    2. At step 80 we decrease the High Limit of the BottomTemp CV from 390 to 385.

    To modify an existing event:

    1. Click on the row of interest in the spreadsheet.
    2. Modify the fields from left to right: Step (larger than one), Section, Variable, Attribute, New Value and Duration (when available).
      NOTE: For events at step one (starting conditions), only the New Value and the Duration (when available) fields can be modified.
      Description of the Scenario Event Items
      Section Attribute Description Tab

    Economic Func Selection Economic function selection . In addition to user-defined economic functions, you can now easily choose to download economic function values from the RTO. This is done in the economic functions tab of the controller tree node. The available choices for economic functions are:

    1. NONE
    2. User-defined economic function (MaxFeed in the figure below)
    3. RTO Target

      Only (1) and (2) are available if Remote Target was not selected. General
      Tracking Filter Time constant (in time units) of the desired trajectory for tracking the economic optimum. General
      Economic Coeff Value Economic coefficient value (in case of business economy changes). General
      Model Block Gain If the model contains a Modifiable Gain, then this option contains the value of the modifiable gain of a model block. A change (fixed starting value) would trigger an online tuning of the controller. General
      Disturbance Error When selecting the Error type of a DV there are three types allowed: General
      Operating Point Reference value of the variable. General
      Noise Seed Seed used to initialize the random number generator which determines the noise sequences to be used in simulation. The same non-zero seed generates the same sequence of white noise (repeatable noise).
      Noise std dev Standard deviation of a white noise added to the variable. General
      Ramp/Duration Amplitude and duration of a ramp added to the variable. General
      Sine/Duration Amplitude and period of a sine wave General




        本文标题:Running a Simulation ~Using the
