"Select all":"全选",
"New document":"新建文档",
"Visual aids":"网格线",
"Clear formatting":"清除格式",
"Align left":"左对齐",
"Align center":"居中",
"Align right":"右对齐",
"Bullet list":"符号列表",
"Numbered list":"数字列表",
"Decrease indent":"减少缩进",
"Increase indent":"增加缩进",
"Your browser doesn't support direct access to the clipboard. Please use the Ctrl+X\/C\/V keyboard shortcuts instead.":"当前浏览器不支持访问剪贴板,请使用快捷键Ctrl+X/C/V复制粘贴",
"Header 1":"标题1",
"Header 2":"标题2",
"Header 3":"标题3",
"Header 4":"标题4",
"Header 5":"标题5",
"Header 6":"标题6",
"Heading 1":"标题1",
"Heading 2":"标题2",
"Heading 3":"标题3",
"Heading 4":"标题4",
"Heading 5":"标题5",
"Heading 6":"标题6",
"Paste is now in plain text mode. Contents will now be pasted as plain text until you toggle this option off.":"当前为纯文本粘贴模式,再次点击可以回到普通粘贴模式。",
"Font Sizes":"字号",
"Browse for an image":"浏览图像",
"Drop an image here":"拖放一张图片文件至此",
"Lower Alpha":"小写英文字母",
"Lower Greek":"小写希腊字母",
"Lower Roman":"小写罗马字母",
"Upper Alpha":"大写英文字母",
"Upper Roman":"大写罗马字母",
"Id should start with a letter, followed only by letters, numbers, dashes, dots, colons or underscores.":"id应该以字母开头,后跟字母、数字、横线、点、冒号或下划线。",
"You have unsaved changes are you sure you want to navigate away?":"你对文档的修改尚未保存,确定离开吗?",
"Restore last draft":"恢复上次的草稿",
"Special characters...":"特殊字符...",
"Source code":"HTML源码",
"Insert\/Edit code sample":"插入/编辑代码示例",
"Code sample...":"代码示例...",
"Color Picker":"选取颜色",
"Left to right":"从左到右",
"Right to left":"从右到左",
"Metadata and Document Properties":"元数据和文档属性",
"Focus to menubar":"移动焦点到菜单栏",
"Focus to toolbar":"移动焦点到工具栏",
"Focus to element path":"移动焦点到元素路径",
"Focus to contextual toolbar":"移动焦点到上下文菜单",
"Insert link (if link plugin activated)":"插入链接 (如果链接插件已激活)",
"Save (if save plugin activated)":"保存(如果保存插件已激活)",
"Find (if searchreplace plugin activated)":"查找(如果查找替换插件已激活)",
"Plugins installed ({0}):":"已安装插件 ({0}):",
"Premium plugins:":"优秀插件:",
"Learn more...":"了解更多...",
"You are using {0}":"你正在使用 {0}",
"Handy Shortcuts":"快捷键",
"Horizontal line":"水平分割线",
"Insert\/edit image":"插入/编辑图片",
"Image description":"图片描述",
"Constrain proportions":"保持宽高比",
"Vertical space":"垂直边距",
"Horizontal space":"水平边距",
"Insert image":"插入图片",
"Image list":"图片列表",
"Rotate counterclockwise":"逆时针旋转",
"Rotate clockwise":"顺时针旋转",
"Flip vertically":"垂直翻转",
"Flip horizontally":"水平翻转",
"Edit image":"编辑图片",
"Image options":"图片选项",
"Zoom in":"放大",
"Zoom out":"缩小",
"Color levels":"色阶",
"Insert date\/time":"插入日期/时间",
"Insert\/Edit Link":"插入/编辑链接",
"Insert\/edit link":"插入/编辑链接",
"Text to display":"显示文字",
"Open link in...":"链接打开方式...",
"Current window":"当前窗口打开",
"New window":"在新窗口打开",
"Remove link":"删除链接",
"Paste or type a link":"粘贴或输入链接",
"The URL you entered seems to be an email address. Do you want to add the required mailto: prefix?":"你所填写的URL地址为邮件地址,需要加上mailto:前缀吗?",
"The URL you entered seems to be an external link. Do you want to add the required http:\/\/ prefix?":"你所填写的URL地址属于外部链接,需要加上http://:前缀吗?",
"Link list":"链接列表",
"Insert video":"插入视频",
"Insert\/edit video":"插入/编辑视频",
"Insert\/edit media":"插入/编辑媒体",
"Alternative source":"替代资源",
"Alternative image URL":"资源备用地址",
"Media poster (Image URL)":"封面(图片地址)",
"Paste your embed code below:":"将内嵌代码粘贴在下面:",
"Nonbreaking space":"不间断空格",
"Page break":"分页符",
"Paste as text":"粘贴为文本",
"Replace with":"替换为",
"Replace all":"替换全部",
"Find and replace...":"查找并替换...",
"Could not find the specified string.":"未找到搜索内容。",
"Match case":"区分大小写",
"Find whole words only":"全单词匹配",
"Spell check":"拼写检查",
"Ignore all":"忽略全部",
"Add to Dictionary":"添加到字典",
"Insert table":"插入表格",
"Table properties":"表格属性",
"Delete table":"删除表格",
"Cell properties":"单元格属性",
"Merge cells":"合并单元格",
"Split cell":"拆分单元格",
"Insert row before":"在上方插入",
"Insert row after":"在下方插入",
"Delete row":"删除行",
"Row properties":"行属性",
"Cut row":"剪切行",
"Copy row":"复制行",
"Paste row before":"粘贴到上方",
"Paste row after":"粘贴到下方",
"Insert column before":"在左侧插入",
"Insert column after":"在右侧插入",
"Delete column":"删除列",
"Cell spacing":"单元格外间距",
"Cell padding":"单元格内边距",
"Show caption":"显示标题",
"Cell type":"单元格类型",
"H Align":"水平对齐",
"V Align":"垂直对齐",
"Header cell":"表头单元格",
"Row group":"行组",
"Column group":"列组",
"Row type":"行类型",
"Border color":"边框颜色",
"Insert template...":"插入模板...",
"Text color":"文字颜色",
"Background color":"背景色",
"Custom color":"自定义颜色",
"No color":"无",
"Remove color":"删除颜色",
"Table of Contents":"目录",
"Show blocks":"显示区块边框",
"Show invisible characters":"显示不可见字符",
"Word count":"字数统计",
"Words: {0}":"字数:{0}",
"{0} words":"{0} 个字",
"Powered by {0}":"Powered by {0}",
"Rich Text Area. Press ALT-F9 for menu. Press ALT-F10 for toolbar. Press ALT-0 for help":"在编辑区按ALT+F9打开菜单,按ALT+F10打开工具栏,按ALT+0查看帮助",
"Image title":"图片标题",
"Border width":"边框宽度",
"Border style":"边框样式",
"To open the popup, press Shift+Enter":"此快捷为软回车(插入<br>)",
"Rich Text Area. Press ALT-0 for help.":"编辑区. 按Alt+0键打开帮助",
"System Font":"默认字体",
"Failed to upload image: {0}":"图片上传失败: {0}",
"Failed to load plugin: {0} from url {1}":"插件加载失败: {0} - {1}",
"Failed to load plugin url: {0}":"插件加载失败: {0}",
"Failed to initialize plugin: {0}":"插件初始化失败: {0}",
"Extended Latin":"拉丁语扩充",
"User Defined":"自定义",
"dollar sign":"美元",
"currency sign":"货币",
"euro-currency sign":"欧元",
"colon sign":"冒号",
"cruzeiro sign":"克鲁赛罗币",
"french franc sign":"法郎",
"lira sign":"里拉",
"mill sign":"密尔",
"naira sign":"奈拉",
"peseta sign":"比塞塔",
"rupee sign":"卢比",
"won sign":"韩元",
"new sheqel sign":"新谢克尔",
"dong sign":"越南盾",
"kip sign":"老挝基普",
"tugrik sign":"图格里克",
"drachma sign":"德拉克马",
"german penny symbol":"德国便士",
"peso sign":"比索",
"guarani sign":"瓜拉尼",
"austral sign":"澳元",
"hryvnia sign":"格里夫尼亚",
"cedi sign":"塞地",
"livre tournois sign":"里弗弗尔",
"spesmilo sign":"一千spesoj的货币符号,该货币未使用",
"tenge sign":"坚戈",
"indian rupee sign":"印度卢比",
"turkish lira sign":"土耳其里拉",
"nordic mark sign":"北欧马克",
"manat sign":"马纳特",
"ruble sign":"卢布",
"yen character":"日元",
"yuan character":"人民币元",
"yuan character, in hong kong and taiwan":"元的繁体字",
"yen\/yuan character variant one":"元(大写)",
"Loading emoticons...":"正在加载表情文字...",
"Could not load emoticons":"不能加载表情文字",
"Animals and Nature":"动物和自然",
"Food and Drink":"食物和饮品",
"Travel and Places":"旅游和地点",
"Characters (no spaces)":"字数(不含空格)",
"Error: Form submit field collision.":"错误: 表单提交字段冲突.",
"Error: No form element found.":"错误: 未找到可用的form.",
"Color swatch":"颜色样本",
"Navy Blue":"海军蓝",
"Dark Turquoise":"深蓝绿色",
"Dark Green":"暗绿",
"Medium Blue":"中蓝",
"Medium Purple":"中紫",
"Midnight Blue":"深蓝",
"Light Gray":"浅灰",
"Dark Yellow":"暗黄",
"Dark Orange":"暗橙",
"Dark Red":"暗红",
"Medium Gray":"中灰",
"Dark Gray":"深灰",
"Switch to or from fullscreen mode":"切换全屏模式",
"Open help dialog":"打开帮助对话框",
"permanent pen":"记号笔",
"Special character":"特殊字符",
"Code sample":"代码示例",
"Document properties":"文档属性",
"Insert link":"插入链接",
"Find and replace":"查找并替换",
"Whole words":"全字匹配",
"Insert template":"插入模板",
//以下为补充汉化内容 by 莫若卿
"Code view":"代码区域",
"Format Painter":"格式刷",
"No templates defined.":"无内置模板",
"Special character...":"特殊字符...",
"Open link":"打开链接",
"{0} characters":"{0} 个字符",
"Alternative source URL":"替代资源地址",
"Alternative description":"替代说明文字",
"Image is decorative":"仅用于装饰",
"Line height":"行高",
"Cut column":"剪切列",
"Copy column":"复制列",
"Paste column before":"粘贴到前方",
"Paste column after":"粘贴到后方",
"Copy column":"复制列",
"Keyboard Navigation":"键盘导航",
"Open popup menu for split buttons":"该组合键的作用是软回车(插入br)",