the (1)

作者: 立仁 | 来源:发表于2015-09-02 08:07 被阅读19次

9月2日 早上7:42--8:07

在表示世界上独一无二的东西的名词前要加 the :

What is the longest river in the world? 

The earth goes round the sun and the moon goes round the earth.

I'm going away at the end of this month.

Paris is the capital of France.

a/an 表明某个东西属于哪一类:

The sun is a star.

The hotel we stayed at was a very nice hotel.

We looked up at all the stars in the sky.

Would you rather live in a town or in the country?

We must do more to protect the environment.

注意 space 当“宇宙”讲时,前面不加 the :

There are millions of stars in space.

I tried to park my car but the space was too small.

在 same 前要加 the :

Your pullover is the same color as mine.

These two photographs are the same.

the cinema, the theater :

I often go to the cinema but I haven't been to the theater for ages.

the cinema/ the theater 时,并不都是指某个特定的电影院或剧院。

常常说 the radio, 但 television  (不带 the):

I often listen to the radio.  We heard the news on the radio.

I often watch television.  We watched the news on television.

但是 说: Can you turn off the television, please?

一日三餐的名称前不用 the :

What did you have for breakfast?

We had lunch in a very nice restaurant.

What time is dinner?

但如果 breakfast, lunch 等的前面有形容词要加 a :

We had a very nice lunch.

名词+基数词的结构前面不用 the

Our train leaves from Platform 5.

Have you got these shoes in size 43 ?

Room 126 , Page 29, Section A 等等


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