

作者: 晨阳ouc | 来源:发表于2021-10-19 21:33 被阅读0次



Modify the x and y axis labels, tick locations, tick labels, axis scales, spine settings, and more. Unknown keyword arguments are passed to Axes.format and context.


aspect ({‘auto’, ‘equal’}, optional) – The aspect ratio mode. See set_aspect for details.

xlabel, ylabel (str, optional) – The x and y axis labels. Applied with set_xlabel and set_ylabel.

xlabel_kw, ylabel_kw (dict-like, optional) – The x and y axis label settings. Applied with the update method on the Text instance. Options include 'color', 'size', and 'weight'.

xlim, ylim (2-tuple of floats or None, optional) – The x and y axis data limits. Applied with set_xlim and set_ylim.

xmin, ymin (float, optional) – The x and y minimum data limits. Useful if you do not want to set the maximum limits.

xmax, ymax (float, optional) – The x and y maximum data limits. Useful if you do not want to set the minimum limits.

xreverse, yreverse (bool, optional) – Sets whether the x and y axis are oriented in the “reverse” direction. The “normal” direction is increasing to the right for the x axis and to the top for the y axis. The “reverse” direction is increasing to the left for the x axis and to the bottom for the y axis.

xscale, yscale (axis scale spec, optional) – The x and y axis scales. Passed to the Scale constructor. For example, xscale='log' applies logarithmic scaling, and xscale=('cutoff', 0.5, 2) applies a custom CutoffScale.

xscale_kw, yscale_kw (dict-like, optional) – The x and y axis scale settings. Passed to Scale.

xspineloc, yspineloc ({‘both’, ‘bottom’, ‘top’, ‘left’, ‘right’, ‘neither’, ‘center’, ‘zero’}, optional) – The x and y axis spine locations.

xloc, yloc (optional) – Aliases for xspineloc, yspineloc.

xtickloc, ytickloc ({‘both’, ‘bottom’, ‘top’, ‘left’, ‘right’, ‘neither’}, optional) – Which x and y axis spines should have major and minor tick marks.

xtickminor, ytickminor (bool, optional) – Whether to draw minor ticks on the x and y axes.

xtickdir, ytickdir ({‘out’, ‘in’, ‘inout’}) – Direction that major and minor tick marks point for the x and y axis.

xgrid, ygrid (bool, optional) – Whether to draw major gridlines on the x and y axis. Use grid to toggle both.

xgridminor, ygridminor (bool, optional) – Whether to draw minor gridlines for the x and y axis. Use gridminor to toggle both.

xticklabeldir, yticklabeldir ({‘in’, ‘out’}) – Whether to place x and y axis tick label text inside or outside the axes.

xlocator, ylocator (locator spec, optional) – Used to determine the x and y axis tick mark positions. Passed to the Locator constructor. Can be float, list of float, string, or matplotlib.ticker.Locator instance.

xticks, yticks (optional) – Aliases for xlocator, ylocator.

xlocator_kw, ylocator_kw (dict-like, optional) – Keyword arguments passed to the matplotlib.ticker.Locator class.

xminorlocator, yminorlocator (optional) – As for xlocator, ylocator, but for the minor ticks.

xminorticks, yminorticks (optional) – Aliases for xminorlocator, yminorlocator.

xminorlocator_kw, yminorlocator_kw – As for xlocator_kw, ylocator_kw, but for the minor locator.

xformatter, yformatter (formatter spec, optional) – Used to determine the x and y axis tick label string format. Passed to the Formatter constructor. Can be string, list of strings, or matplotlib.ticker.Formatter instance. Use [] or 'null' for no ticks.

xticklabels, yticklabels (optional) – Aliases for xformatter, yformatter.

xformatter_kw, yformatter_kw (dict-like, optional) – Keyword arguments passed to the matplotlib.ticker.Formatter class.

xrotation, yrotation (float, optional) – The rotation for x and y axis tick labels. Default is 0 for normal axes, rc[‘formatter.timerotation’] = 90 for time x axes.

xtickrange, ytickrange ((float, float), optional) – The x and y axis data ranges within which major tick marks are labelled. For example, the tick range (-1, 1) with axis range (-5, 5) and a tick interval of 1 will only label the ticks marks at -1, 0, and 1. See AutoFormatter for details.

xwraprange, ywraprange ((float, float), optional) – The x and y axis data ranges with which major tick mark values are wrapped. For example, the wrap range (0, 3) causes the values 0 through 9 to be formatted as 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0. See AutoFormatter for details.

xmargin, ymargin (float, optional) – The default margin between plotted content and the x and y axis spines. Value is proportional to the width, height of the axes. Use this if you want whitespace between plotted content and the spines, but don’t want to explicitly set xlim or ylim.

xbounds, ybounds ((float, float), optional) – The x and y axis data bounds within which to draw the spines. For example, the axis range (0, 4) with bounds (1, 4) will prevent the spines from meeting at the origin.

xcolor, ycolor (color-spec, optional) – Color for the x and y axis spines, ticks, tick labels, and axis labels. Default is rc.color = 'black'. Use e.g. ax.format(color='red') to set for both axes.

xlinewidth, ylinewidth (color-spec, optional) – Line width for the x and y axis spines and major ticks. Default is rc.linewidth = 0.6. Use e.g. ax.format(linewidth=2) to set for both axes.

xgridcolor, ygridcolor (color-spec, optional) – Color for the x and y axis major and minor gridlines. Default is rc[‘grid.color’] = 'black'. Use e.g. ax.format(gridcolor='r') to set for both axes.

xticklen, yticklen (float or str, optional) – Tick lengths for the x and y axis. Units are interpreted by units, with “points” as the numeric unit. Default is rc.ticklen.

Minor tick lengths are scaled according to rc.ticklenratio. Use e.g. ax.format(ticklen=1) to set for both axes.

fixticks (bool, optional) – Whether to always transform the tick locators to a FixedLocator instance. Default is False. If your axis ticks are doing weird things (for example, ticks drawn outside of the axis spine), try setting this to True.

patch_kw (dict-like, optional) – Keyword arguments used to update the background patch. This can be used e.g. to apply background hatching with patch_kw={'hatch': 'xxx'}.

Other Parameters

rc_kw (dict, optional) – Dictionary containing rc settings applied to this axes using context.

**kwargs – Passed to Axes.format or passed to context and used to update axes rc settings. For example, abcstyle='A.' modifies the rc[‘abc.style’] setting.

See also




