1.Don't try to visualize the great mass audience.
visualize:使可见;使形象化。e.g.visualize the scene of a battle想象战斗的画面。此处意为:不要试图去想象大量读者的样子。
2.But I found that the Dayton illuminati got it down with gusto.
gusto:热情;兴致。通常用法:sb do sth with gusto
3.This is pure Mencken in its surging momentum and its irreverence.
irreverence:不虔诚的,不尊敬的。e.g.irreverent laughter无礼的笑声
4.It may seem a miracle that Mencken could get away with such heresies in the 1920s, when hero worship was an American religion and the self-righteous wrath of the Bible Belt oozed from coast to coast.
worship:可做名词或动词,为敬奉、信奉;敬重的意思。复数与第三人称单数均为worships ,做动词时变形需要双写p
wrath:盛怒,震怒。the wrath of God:上帝的怒火。
ooze:可作动词或名词。动词时意为渗出;流出;泄漏;出众,名词时意为软泥;渗出物;浸泡液。ooze out of ; ooze from ; ooze through. oozy:adj,软泥的
5.Mencken was never timid or evasive ; he didn't kowtow to the reader or curry anyone's favor.
timid: 羞怯的,缺乏勇气的。timidity:n,胆怯 timidly: adv,胆怯地
evasive:回避的,逃避的。同义词:cagey evasively:adv;evasiveness:n
kowtow :叩头;顺从;惟命是从;对某人卑躬屈膝:kowtow to 叩头:kowtow against
Editors and readers don't know what they want to read until they read it. Besides, they're always looking for something new.
You are who you are, he is who he is, and either you'll get along or you won't.
Just as it takes time to find yourself as a person, it takes time to find yourself as a stylist, and even then your style will change as you grow older.
Notice the decisions that other writers make in their choice for words and be finicky about the ones you select from the vast supply. The race in writing is not to the swift but to the original.
Writing is learned by imitation.
Good writers of prose must be part poet, always listening to what they write.
Remember that words are the only tools you've got.Learn to use them with originality and care.And also remember: somebody out there is listening.