
作者: python测试开发 | 来源:发表于2019-10-21 11:17 被阅读0次
  • 标题

Markdown 支持两种标题的语法,类 Setext 和类 atx 形式。

类 Setext 形式是用底线的形式,利用 = (最高阶标题)和 - (第二阶标题)。

任何数量的 = 和 - 都可以有效果。类 Atx 形式则是在行首插入 1 到 6 个 # ,对应到标题 1 到 6 阶。

你可以选择性地「闭合」类 atx 样式的标题,这纯粹只是美观用的,若是觉得这样看起来比较舒适,你就可以在行尾加上 #,而行尾的 # 数量也不用和开头一样(行首的井字符数量决定标题的阶数)。


默认情况下,标题已编号。您可以使用模板来更改此设置,也可以通过在标题标题后放置“ {-}”或“ {.unnumbered}”来禁用所选标题的编号:

# Header level 1
## Header level 2
### Header level 3

Level one header
Level two header
# Unnumbered header {-}
## Another unnumbered header { .unnumbered }

Header level 1

Header level 2

Header level 3

Level one header

Level two header

Unnumbered header {-}

Another unnumbered header { .unnumbered }

  • 重点


We emphasise part of a text by putting it in italic or boldface. In Markdown
we use asterisks, \* , to do this.

To put a word in italic, we use *one* asterisk and to put it in boldface weuse **two** .


We emphasise part of a text by putting it in italic or boldface. In Markdown
we use asterisks, \ * , to do this.

To put a word in italic, we use one asterisk and to put it in boldface weuse two .


  • 列表


1. This is a numbered list.
2. Where this is list item two.
3. And this is list item three.
  1. This is a numbered list.
  2. Where this is list item two.
  3. And this is list item three.


* This is a numbered list
- Where this is list item two
* And this is list item three
  • This is a numbered list
  • Where this is list item two
  • And this is list item three


* This is a top-level list item
  * Here is a sublist item
  * Here is another
* Now we are at the top level again
  • This is a top-level list item
    • Here is a sublist item
    • Here is another
  • Now we are at the top level again
  • 引用块
> This is a blockquote with two paragraphs. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
> Author: 钉钉或微信pythontesting 钉钉群21734177 技术支持qq群:630011153 144081101
> Vestibulum enim wisi, viverra nec, fringilla in, laoreet vitae, risus.
> Donec sit amet nisl. Aliquam semper ipsum sit amet velit. Suspendisse
> id sem consectetuer libero luctus adipiscing.

This is a blockquote with two paragraphs. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
Author: 钉钉或微信pythontesting 钉钉群21734177 技术支持qq群:630011153 144081101
Vestibulum enim wisi, viverra nec, fringilla in, laoreet vitae, risus.

Donec sit amet nisl. Aliquam semper ipsum sit amet velit. Suspendisse
id sem consectetuer libero luctus adipiscing.

Markdown 也允许你偷懒只在整个段落的第一行最前面加上 > 。区块引用可以嵌套(例如:引用内的引用),只要根据层次加上不同数量的 > ,引用的区块内也可以使用其他的 Markdown 语法,包括标题、列表、代码区块等:


  1. 这是第一行列表项。
  2. 这是第二行列表项。


return shell_exec("echo $input | $markdown_script");
  • 原始文本


'>do not use markdown'
    >do not use markdown'

'>do not use markdown
>do not use markdown'

  • 链接
This is a link to [my blog](
This is a link to [my blog][blog].

This is a link to my blog.
This is a link to [my blog][blog]

  • 图片
![Title of the figure](URL-to-figure)
![Title of the figure](path-to/my-figure)



