

作者: 是肉丸子啊 | 来源:发表于2018-11-02 00:34 被阅读0次


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    1. 小鲜肉 

    直译little fresh meat

    解释:slim young male stars with a taste for make-up

    2. 娘炮

    sissy  (not manly enough) 中文里面总说的man和不man其实是错误的用法

    3. 带盐

    spokesperson (bankable ambassador)

    Moreover “little fresh meats”have become bankable ambassadors for all manner of brands to woo young female shoppers.

    注:bankable有票房号召力的,卖座的。 woo 追求

    4. 人设

    put on several personas

    5. 朋友圈打卡

    Popularized by a filmof the same name in  2007, which featured “a list of things to do before I kick the bucket”, these internet lists direct tourists to the same “must see” places. The desire for the perfect Instagram snap has a similar result.

    可以把Instagram换成朋友圈,Wechat moments snap,到一个地方拍照,发朋友圈定位打卡,就可以这样表达。



    special report (就某一个话题、区域进行深入报道)

    1. 巧用韵律

    Australia :The wonder down under (down under 指澳大利亚和新西兰)尾韵


    Beyond commodities:More thano ore (ore是矿石的意思)尾韵

    Economic policy:Healthy, wealthy and wise 同时使用了尾韵和头韵

    In the end, Townsville stumbled rather than swooned in the commodity slump. Its economy shrank slightly in 2014-15 before returning to growth.


    stumble: to walk or move in an unsteady way

    swoon: to become unconscious

    slump: to fall in price, value, number, etc.

    2. 巧用典故

    Foreign relations: Keep your friends close (but keep your enemies closer)


    Immigration: Not huddled, but masses (来自美国自由女神像下的诗,指代immigrants)


    3. 巧用地方英语

    Climate change: Dry as a Pom’s towel (Pom 澳大利达人对“英国佬”的叫法)

    outback dictionary(澳式英语表达辞典)


    Politics: Spills and thrills

    thrills and spills= excitement

    spill: 澳大利亚的内阁出现的空位


    And Australia as a whole sailed through the mining bust, with GDP growth never falling below 2.4%.

    一帆风顺,顺利通过。She sailed through college.

    In a sense, the impressive search for technological efficiencies is the flip side of a common criticism of Australia: that it is and expensive place to do business.

    flip side: 另一面。 flipflops 人字拖。

    我想到了《怦然心动》那个电影,I flipped,心里面小鹿乱撞的感觉。


    Better yet, thanks to conservative regulation (and less-than-cut-throat competition), Australia’s financial system was in good shape when the crisis struck.

    less-than-cut-throat 自造词,没那么激烈的

    Should it let the migrants in or not? One or two Democrats in conservative districts say they back the president’s long-promised, never-delivered plan to build a wall.

    long-promised, never-delivered 早就承诺,但从未兑现

    Mr. Newsom’s ex-wife, a Democrat-turned-Republican, happens to be dating Mr. Trump’s eldest son.



    Townsville, a costal city of 200,000 in the state of Queensland, owes its existence to commodities.


    The newest word to enter the travel industry’s lexicon is “overtourism”, which coined to describe the consequences of having too many visitors.


    The changes of PM have come so often that Madame Tussauda, a wax museum has officially give up trying to make statues of the incumbent, who will inevitably have left office before a likeness is ready.

    likeness 画像,雕像,蜡像等

    使用anecdote, 让人印象深刻。


    1. 读不懂没关系

    2. 学3-5个印象最深刻,可能在生活和考试中使用到的表达就够了

    3. 享受《经济学人》,留意那些“别扭”表达



    A fashionable aesthetic confounds Chinese parents—and officials




