英语写作 | 地道高级的写作句型,让阅卷老师眼前一亮

英语写作 | 地道高级的写作句型,让阅卷老师眼前一亮

作者: 74e65da20d38 | 来源:发表于2020-12-17 13:35 被阅读0次



    常用句型:With the development of sth,替换句型:As sth develops/improves/grows by leaps and bounds, …名词leap和bound都有“跳跃”的意思,短语by leaps and bounds形容改善或进步非常迅速,突飞猛进。如果想把句子扩写得更长,还可以在这句话后面加上具体的时间状语,比如:As  technology has developed/improved by leaps and bounds over the past two decades, …. As  technology has developed/improved by leaps and bounds since the half of the 20th century,…


    常用句型:Different people have different opinions about sth.替换句型:Opinions are divided on/as to sth.   Opinions about sth vary from person to person.比如 Opinions are divided as to whether children should be taught to be competitive or co-operative.Opinions about autonomous vehicles vary from person to person.


    常用句型:There is growing public anxiety over sth替换句型:Worries have multiplied/mount about sth 动词multiply是“增加”的意思。我们还可以把动词multiply替换为mount, 也表示“增加”。about后面的内容比较短时,我们可以写作Worries about sth have multiplied。同样的,我们可以在这句话后面加上具体的时间状语:Worries about sth have multiplied/mounted in the past two years.


    常见句型:There are many reasons for… The first one is… The second one is…


    1. Reasons abound for…, one of which is… abound用于形容“事物之多”。例句:网红经济的迅速成长原因之一在于新一代年轻人对网络名人的喜爱:Reasons abound for the boom of Internet celebrity economy, one of which is digital native generation’s preference for internet celebrities.

    2. Several factors seem to be at play in sth. sth is part of the story. 短语at play表示“造成影响,产生作用”,A is at play in B字面意思是“A在B这件事上产生了作用”,换句话说,“A导致了B”。sth is part of the story.表示某事是原因之一。句型来源于《经济学人》一篇关于异地婚姻的文章,原文是:Several factors seem to be at play in the trend of today’s marrieds increasingly living apart. Technology is part of the story.当今,越来越多的已婚夫妇开始分居,有多重因素引发了这一趋势,其中,技术是原因之一。

    3.A few factors contribute to/lead to/cause sth. Chief among them is sth. 这句话的意思是“促成…的因素有许多,其中主要的是…” ,比如A few factors contribute to juvenile delinquency. Chief among them is violence in the home.

    4.Many factors conspire to do sth. A big one is sth.conspire是“密谋,合谋”的意思,引申为“共同导致“。这句话的意思是“许多因素共同导致了…其中一大原因是…”。句型来源于《经济学人》一篇讨论移民家庭语言教学的文章:Yet many factors conspire to ensure that children still lose their parents’ languages, or never learn them.A big one is institutional pressure. A child's time spent with a second language is time not spent on their first.但在各种因素同时作用下,孩子们仍然不能完全通晓父母的母语,抑或永远都学不会。一个大因素就是制度性压力。如果一个孩子的时间花在第二语言上那么讲母语的时间就肯定少了。

    5.There are myriad reasons for sth. Chief among them is sth. 形容词myriad表示“无数的,大量的”,这句话的意思是“造成…的原因有很多,其中最主要的是…”



        本文标题:英语写作 | 地道高级的写作句型,让阅卷老师眼前一亮
