What leads to late marriages ?

Fromthe latest data about the average age at marriage of men in Shenzhen ,China is30.38 .It is more late compared with 25.1 in 1982 .From 1982 to 2010 ,the datashows that no matter men or women they get married later and later .What leadsto this situation ?
InChinese traditional culture , starting one’s own family and career, carrying onthe family line subsequently is the most important thing in one’s life .Why somany people choose to refuse or put off marriage ?

Inrecent twenty years, with the rapid growth of Chinese economy ,the housingbecame a seller's market, and prices zoomed up .An own house is a necessaryelement in Chinese marriage .From the data of housing price in Shenzhen 2016,if you want to buy a house or flat at an average level you have to pay about 4million yuan for it .However the average monthly salary is 8640 yuan .Thoughsome doesn’t eat or spend any money on life , he will work for 463 years toafford a house .The thought “No house ,no marriage ” which hinders thewillingness of people to get married .
Apartfrom this ,the younger generation has changed their mind .They are differentwith their parents ,they pay more attention to their own dreams and own lives.The average SMAM(age of marriage ) is from 28 to 30 when they have their owncareer and property .And then they will consider about marriage and childbirth.

Withthe popularization of higher education, people spending on education time isgetting longer which is a reason for getting married to a late age .Moreimportant, because received more education, more and more understanding of themarital status, the contemporary young people have undergone tremendous changesin the concept of marriage, marriage is not a problem for them.
So the later and later age of marriage is understandable .Marriage and childbirthis important for human but it doesn’t mean we should “finish” them as early aspossible .It’s said that “Relationships must be chosen wisely ” .which means peoplewould like to be patient to wait for a long time .They believe the best isworth the wait .