如下的资料是关于python if else语句使用演示的代码,应该对小伙伴们有较大帮助。
# Name: if_conditional.py
# Author: Kevin Harris
# Last Modified: 02/13/04
# Description: This Python script demonstrates how to use if-else
# conditionals.
# Our first example is a simple if/else statement
print( "Please enter a negative number" )
number = int( input( "> " ) )
if number >= 0:
print( "That wasn't negative!" )
print( "Thank you!" )
# Our next example is a simple if/else if/else statement
print( "Which type of pet do you prefer?" )
print( " cats" )
print( " dogs" )
# Note how we use raw_input to get the input as a string
pet = input( "> " )
if pet == "cats":
print( "You chose cats." )
elif pet == "dogs":
print( "You chose dogs." )
print( "That's not one of the choices." )
input( 'nnPress Enter to exit...' )