0. 是什么
Kafka Streams 是一个流式处理框架,功能类似于 storm、flink。
stream-processingJay Kreps 在自己撰写的软文中这样定位 Kafka Streams ,也就是简单而又强大的流式处理框架。
1. 架构
ArchitectureKafka Streams 并没有做资源管理功能(也就是 storm 中的 nimbus、superviosr),一个 task 包含消费数据的 consumer、发送处理结果的 producer、state store 和 processor topology。
- 并行处理能力。受制于 source topic 的 partition 数量
- 反压。没有反压的必要,因为使用深度优先的处理策略,在一条消息开始处理之前,上一条消息会经过整个 topology
- 容错。依赖 kafka:a. 丢掉的消息重新拉取;b. state store 同步到 kafka
2. 数据抽象
A KStream is an abstraction of a record stream, where each data record represents a self-contained datum in the unbounded data set.
A KTable is an abstraction of a changelog stream, where each data record represents an update. More precisely, the value in a data record is interpreted as an “UPDATE” of the last value for the same record key, if any (if a corresponding key doesn’t exist yet, the update will be considered an INSERT)
单个 partition 粒度
Like a KTable, a GlobalKTable is an abstraction of a changelog stream, where each data record represents an update.
A GlobalKTable differs from a KTable in the data that they are being populated with, i.e. which data from the underlying Kafka topic is being read into the respective table.
跟 KTable 一样,不同点在于 Global 是 topic 粒度
3. 执行框架
topology 构建的代码很直观,最终传给 taskManager 的是 activeTaskCreator,TaskManager
负责实例化 topology processor,以及 task 的分配,默认情况下一个 partition 对应一个 task。
topology 的执行流程封装在 StreamThread 中,默认情况下启动一个线程。
// org/apache/kafka/streams/processor/internals/StreamThread.java#L767
long runOnce(final long recordsProcessedBeforeCommit) {
long processedBeforeCommit = recordsProcessedBeforeCommit;
ConsumerRecords<byte[], byte[]> records;
timerStartedMs = time.milliseconds();
if (state == State.PARTITIONS_ASSIGNED) {
// try to fetch some records with zero poll millis
// to unblock the restoration as soon as possible
records = pollRequests(0L);
if (taskManager.updateNewAndRestoringTasks()) {
} else {
// try to fetch some records if necessary
records = pollRequests(pollTimeMs);
// if state changed after the poll call,
// try to initialize the assigned tasks again
if (state == State.PARTITIONS_ASSIGNED) {
if (taskManager.updateNewAndRestoringTasks()) {
if (records != null && !records.isEmpty() && taskManager.hasActiveRunningTasks()) {
streamsMetrics.pollTimeSensor.record(computeLatency(), timerStartedMs);
final long totalProcessed = processAndMaybeCommit(recordsProcessedBeforeCommit);
if (totalProcessed > 0) {
final long processLatency = computeLatency();
streamsMetrics.processTimeSensor.record(processLatency / (double) totalProcessed,
processedBeforeCommit = adjustRecordsProcessedBeforeCommit(recordsProcessedBeforeCommit,
return processedBeforeCommit;
方法 addRecordsToTasks
,将消息添加到对应 task 的处理队列
// org/apache/kafka/streams/processor/internals/StreamThread.java#L890
* Take records and add them to each respective task
* @param records Records, can be null
private void addRecordsToTasks(final ConsumerRecords<byte[], byte[]> records) {
if (records != null && !records.isEmpty()) {
int numAddedRecords = 0;
for (final TopicPartition partition : records.partitions()) {
final StreamTask task = taskManager.activeTask(partition);
numAddedRecords += task.addRecords(partition, records.records(partition));
streamsMetrics.skippedRecordsSensor.record(records.count() - numAddedRecords, timerStartedMs);
方法 processAndMaybeCommit
,处理 taskManager 队列中的消息
// org/apache/kafka/streams/processor/internals/StreamThread.java#L911
private long processAndMaybeCommit(final long recordsProcessedBeforeCommit) {
long processed;
long totalProcessedSinceLastMaybeCommit = 0;
// Round-robin scheduling by taking one record from each task repeatedly
// until no task has any records left
do {
processed = taskManager.process();
if (processed > 0) {
streamsMetrics.processTimeSensor.record(computeLatency() / (double) processed, timerStartedMs);
totalProcessedSinceLastMaybeCommit += processed;
if (recordsProcessedBeforeCommit != UNLIMITED_RECORDS &&
totalProcessedSinceLastMaybeCommit >= recordsProcessedBeforeCommit) {
totalProcessedSinceLastMaybeCommit = 0;
// commit any tasks that have requested a commit
final int committed = taskManager.maybeCommitActiveTasks();
if (committed > 0) {
streamsMetrics.commitTimeSensor.record(computeLatency() / (double) committed, timerStartedMs);
} while (processed != 0);
return totalProcessedSinceLastMaybeCommit;
方法 punctuate
4. repartition
在执行 WordCount 这个例子时,可以发现多了两个 topic
- streams-wordcount-counts-store-changelog
- streams-wordcount-counts-store-repartition
changelog 这个很明显是 state store 的日志信息;repartition 理解起来稍微麻烦一点儿。
回到 WordCount 这个例子,设想 streams-plaintext-input 的 partition 数量大于1,而 counts-store 这个本地状态又是 partition 独立的,那么是不是最后 count 出来的数值也是各个 partition 单独统计的呢?
如果没有 repartition 确实是这样,但是这就违反了 groupBy 的语义,所以在 count 的时候实际上又生成了一个 sub-topology,也就是按照新的 key 又 repartition 了一次。
// org/apache/kafka/streams/kstream/internals/KStreamImpl.java#L661
static <K1, V1> String createReparitionedSource(final InternalStreamsBuilder builder,
final Serde<K1> keySerde,
final Serde<V1> valSerde,
final String topicNamePrefix,
final String name) {
Serializer<K1> keySerializer = keySerde != null ? keySerde.serializer() : null;
Serializer<V1> valSerializer = valSerde != null ? valSerde.serializer() : null;
Deserializer<K1> keyDeserializer = keySerde != null ? keySerde.deserializer() : null;
Deserializer<V1> valDeserializer = valSerde != null ? valSerde.deserializer() : null;
String baseName = topicNamePrefix != null ? topicNamePrefix : name;
String repartitionTopic = baseName + REPARTITION_TOPIC_SUFFIX;
String sinkName = builder.newProcessorName(SINK_NAME);
String filterName = builder.newProcessorName(FILTER_NAME);
String sourceName = builder.newProcessorName(SOURCE_NAME);
builder.internalTopologyBuilder.addProcessor(filterName, new KStreamFilter<>(new Predicate<K1, V1>() {
public boolean test(final K1 key, final V1 value) {
return key != null;
}, false), name);
builder.internalTopologyBuilder.addSink(sinkName, repartitionTopic, keySerializer, valSerializer,
null, filterName);
builder.internalTopologyBuilder.addSource(null, sourceName, new FailOnInvalidTimestamp(),
keyDeserializer, valDeserializer, repartitionTopic);
return sourceName;